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a pony察which we knew to be the surgeon¨s察was standing at the garden door。 Mary Ann remarked that she supposed some one must be very ill察as Mr。 Bates had been sent for at that time of the evening。 She went into the house察I stayed behind a few minutes to plant in my garden a handful of roots I had dug up in the forest察and which I feared would wither if I left them till the morning。 This done察I lingered yet a little longer此the flowers smelt so sweet as the dew fell察it was such a pleasant evening察so serene察so warm察the still glowing west promised so fairly another fine day on the morrow察the moon rose with such majesty in the grave east。 I was noting these things and enjoying them as a child might察when it entered my mind as it had never done before此
^How sad to be lying now on a sick bed察and to be in danger of dying This world is pleasant!it would be dreary to be called from it察and to have to go who knows where拭
And then my mind made its first earnest effort to prehend what had been infused into it concerning heaven and hell察and for the first time it recoiled察baffled察and for the first time glancing behind察on each side察and before it察it saw all round an unfathomed gulf此it felt the one point where it stood!the present察all the rest was formless cloud and vacant depth察and it shuddered at the thought of tottering察and plunging amid that chaos。 While pondering this new idea察I heard the front door open察Mr。 Bates came out察and with him was a nurse。 After she had seen him mount his horse and depart察she was about to close the door察but I ran up to her。
^How is Helen Burns拭
^Very poorly察院was the answer。
^Is it her Mr。 Bates has been to see拭
^Yes。 ̄
^And what does he say about her拭
^He says she¨ll not be here long。 ̄
This phrase察uttered in my hearing yesterday察would have only conveyed the notion that she was about to be removed to Northumberland察to her own home。 I should not have suspected that it meant she was dying察but I knew instantly now It opened clear on my prehension that Helen Burns was numbering her last days in this world察and that she was going to be taken to the region of spirits察if such region there were。 I experienced a shock of horror察then a strong thrill of grief察then a desire!a necessity to see her察and I asked in what room she lay。
^She is in Miss Temple¨s room察院said the nurse。
^May I go up and speak to her拭
^Oh no察child It is not likely察and now it is time for you to e in察you¨ll catch the fever if you stop out when the dew is falling。 ̄
The nurse closed the front door察I went in by the side entrance which led to the schoolroom此I was just in time察it was nine o¨clock察and Miss Miller was calling the pupils to go to bed。
It might be two hours later察probably near eleven察when I!not having been able to fall asleep察and deeming察from the perfect silence of the dormitory察that my panions were all wrapt in profound repose!rose softly察put on my frock over my night´dress察and察without shoes察crept from the apartment察and set off in quest of Miss Temple¨s room。 It was quite at the other end of the house察but I knew my way察and the light of the unclouded summer moon察entering here and there at passage windows察enabled me to find it without difficulty。 An odour of camphor and burnt vinegar warned me when I came near the fever room此and I passed its door quickly察fearful lest the nurse who sat up all night should hear me。 I dreaded being discovered and sent back察for I must see Helen察I must embrace her before she died察I must give her one last kiss察exchange with her one last word。
Having descended a staircase察traversed a portion of the house below察and succeeded in opening and shutting察without noise察two doors察I reached another flight of steps察these I mounted察and then just opposite to me was Miss Temple¨s room。 A light shone through the keyhole and from under the door察a profound stillness pervaded the vicinity。 ing near察I found the door slightly ajar察probably to admit some fresh air into the close abode of sickness。 Indisposed to hesitate察and full of impatient impulses!soul and senses quivering with keen throes!I put it back and looked in。 My eye sought Helen察and feared to find death。
Close by Miss Temple¨s bed察and half covered with its white curtains察there stood a little crib。 I saw the outline of a form under the clothes察but the face was hid by the hangings此the nurse I had spoken to in the garden sat in an easy´chair asleep察an unsnuffed candle burnt dimly on the table。 Miss Temple was not to be seen此I knew afterwards that she had been called to a delirious patient in the fever´room。 I advanced察then paused by the crib side此my hand was on the curtain察but I preferred speaking before I withdrew it。 I still recoiled at the dread of seeing a corpse。
^Helen 院I whispered softly察 are you awake拭
She stirred herself察put back the curtain察and I saw her face察pale察posed此she looked so little changed that my fear was instantly dissipated。
^Can it be you察Jane拭院she asked察in her own gentle voice。
^Oh 院I thought察 she is not going to die察they are mistaken此she could not speak and look so calmly if she were。 ̄
I got on to her crib and kissed her此her forehead was cold察and her cheek both cold and thin察and so were her hand and wrist察but she smiled as of old。
^Why are you e here察Jane拭It is past eleven o¨clock此I heard it strike some minutes since。 ̄
^I came to see you察Helen此I heard you were very ill察and I could not sleep till I had spoken to you。 ̄
^You came to bid me good´bye察then此you are just in time probably。 ̄
^Are you going somewhere察Helen拭Are you going home拭
^Yes察to my long home!my last home。 ̄
^No察no察Helen 院I stopped察distressed。 While I tried to devour my tears察a fit of coughing seized Helen察it did not察however察wake the nurse察when it was over察she lay some minutes exhausted察then she whispered!
^Jane察your little feet are bare察lie down and cover yourself with my quilt。 ̄
I did so此she put her arm over me察and I nestled close to her。 After a long silence察she resumed察still whispering!
^I am very happy察Jane察and when you hear that I am dead察you must be sure and not grieve此there is nothing to grieve about。 We all must die one day察and the illness which is removing me is not painful察it is gentle and gradual此my mind is at rest。 I leave no one to regret me much此I have only a father察and he is lately married察and will not miss me。 By dying young察I shall escape great sufferings。 I had not qualities or talents to make my way very well in the world此I should have been continually at fault。 ̄
^But where are you going to察Helen拭Can you see拭Do you know拭
^I believe察I have faith此I am going to God。 ̄
^Where is God拭What is God拭
^My Maker and yours察who will never destroy what He created。 I rely implicitly on His power察and confide wholly in His goodness此I count the hours till that eventful one arrives which shall restore me to Him察reveal Him to me。 ̄
^You are sure察then察Helen察that there is such a place as heaven察and that our souls can get to it when we die拭
^I am sure there is a future state察I believe God is good察I can resign my immortal part to Him without any misgiving。 God is my father察God is my friend此I love Him察I believe He loves me。 ̄
^And shall I see you again察Helen察when I die拭
^You will e to the same region of happiness此be received by the same mighty察universal Parent察no doubt察dear Jane。 ̄
Again I questioned察but this time only in thought。 ^Where is that region拭Does it exist拭院And I clasped my arms closer round Helen察she seemed dearer to me than ever察I felt as if I could not let her go察I lay with my face hidden on her neck。 Presently she said察in the sweetest tone!
^How fortable I am That last fit of coughing has tired me a little察I feel as if I could sleep此but don¨t leave me察Jane察I like to have you near me。 ̄
^I¨ll stay with you察dear Helen此no one shall take me way。 ̄
^Are you warm察darling拭
^Yes。 ̄
^Good´night察Jane。 ̄
^Good´night察Helen。 ̄
She kissed me察and I her察and we both soon slumbered。
When I awoke it was day此an unusual movement roused me察I looked up察I was in somebody¨s arms察the nurse held me察she was carrying me through the passage back to the dormitory。 I was not reprimanded for leaving my bed察people had something else to think about察no explanation was afforded then to my many questions察but a day or two afterwards I learned that Miss Temple察on returning to her own room at dawn察had found me laid in the little crib察my face against Helen Burns¨s shoulder察my arms round her neck。 I was asleep察and Helen was!dead。
Her grave is in Brocklebridge churchyard此for fifteen years after her death it was only covered by a grassy mound察but now a grey marble tablet marks the spot察inscribed with her name察and the word ^Resurgam。 ̄
Chapter 10
Hitherto I have recorded in detail the events of my insignificant existence此to the first ten years of my life I have given almost as many chapters。 But this is not to be a regular autobiography。 I am only bound to invoke Memory where I know her responses will possess some degree of interest察therefore I now pass a space of eight years almost in silence此a few lines only are necessary to keep up the links of connection。
When the typhus fever had fulfilled its mission of devastation at Lowood察it gradually disappeared from thence察but not till its virulence and the number of its victims had drawn public attention on the school。 Inquiry was made into the origin of the scourge察and by degrees various facts came out which excited public indignation in a high degree。 The unhealthy nature of the site察the quantity and quality of the children¨s food察the brackish察fetid water used in its preparation察the pupils¨ wretched clothing and acmodations!all these things were discovered察and the discovery produced a result mortifying to Mr。 Brocklehurst察but beneficial to the institution。
Several wealthy and benevolent individuals in the county subscribed largely for the erection of a more convenient building in a better situation察new regulations were made察improvements in diet and clothing introduced察the funds of the school were intrusted to the management of a mittee。 Mr。 Brocklehurst察who察from his wealth and family connections察could not be overlooked察still retained the post of treasurer察but he was aided in the discharge of his duties by gentlemen of rather more enlarged and sympathising minds此his office of inspector察too察was shared by those who knew how to bine reason with strictness察fort with economy察passion with uprightness。 The school察thus improved察became in time a truly useful and noble institution。 I remained an inmate of its walls察after its regeneration察for eight years此six as pupil察and two as teacher察and in both capacities I bear my testimony to its value and importance。
During these eight years my life was uniform此but not unhappy察because it was not inactive。 I had the means of an excellent education placed within my reach察a fondness for some of my studies察and a desire to excel in all察together with a great delight in pleasing my teachers察especially such as I loved察urged me on此I availed myself fully of the advantages offered me。 In time I rose to be the first girl of the first class察then I was invested with the office of teacher察which I discharged with zeal for two years此but at the end of that time I altered。
Miss Temple察through all changes察had thus far continued superintendent of the seminary此to her instruction I owed the best part of my acquirements察her friendship and society had been my continual solace察she had stood me in the stead of mother察governess察and察latterly察panion。 At this period she married察removed with her husband a clergyman察an excellent man察almost worthy of such a wife to a distant county察and consequently was lost to me。
From the day she left I was no longer the same此with her was gone every settled feeling察every association that had made Lowood in some degree a home to me。 I had imbibed from her something of her nature and much of her habits此more harmonious thoughts此what seemed better regulated feelings had bee the inmates of my mind。 I had given in allegiance to duty and order察I was quiet察I believed I was content此to the eyes of others察usually even to my own察I appeared a disciplined and subdued character。
But destiny察in the shape of the Rev。 Mr。 Nasmyth察came between me and Miss Temple此I saw her in her travelling dress step into a post´chaise察shortly after the marriage ceremony察I watched the chaise mount the hill and disappear beyond its brow察and then retired to my own room察and there spent in solitude the greatest part of the half´holiday granted in honour of the occasion。
I walked about the chamber most of the time。 I imagined myself only to be regretting my loss察and thinking how to repair it察but when my reflections were concluded察and I looked up and found that the afternoon was gone察and evening far advanced察another discovery dawned on me察namely察that in the interval I had undergone a transforming process察that my mind had put off all it had borrowed of Miss Temple!or rather that she had taken with her the serene atmosphere I had been breathing in her vicinity!and that now I was left