梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
^But察mother察I did not e to hear Mr。 Rochester¨s fortune此I came to hear my own察and you have told me nothing of it。 ̄
^Your fortune is yet doubtful此when I examined your face察one trait contradicted another。 Chance has meted you a measure of happiness此that I know。 I knew it before I came here this evening。 She has laid it carefully on one side for you。 I saw her do it。 It depends on yourself to stretch out your hand察and take it up此but whether you will do so察is the problem I study。 Kneel again on the rug。 ̄
^Don¨t keep me long察the fire scorches me。 ̄
I knelt。 She did not stoop towards me察but only gazed察leaning back in her chair。 She began muttering察
^The flame flickers in the eye察the eye shines like dew察it looks soft and full of feeling察it smiles at my jargon此it is susceptible察impression follows impression through its clear sphere察where it ceases to smile察it is sad察an unconscious lassitude weighs on the lid此that signifies melancholy resulting from loneliness。 It turns from me察it will not suffer further scrutiny察it seems to deny察by a mocking glance察the truth of the discoveries I have already made察to disown the charge both of sensibility and chagrin此its pride and reserve only confirm me in my opinion。 The eye is favourable。
^As to the mouth察it delights at times in laughter察it is disposed to impart all that the brain conceives察though I daresay it would be silent on much the heart experiences。 Mobile and flexible察it was never intended to be pressed in the eternal silence of solitude此it is a mouth which should speak much and smile often察and have human affection for its interlocutor。 That feature too is propitious。
^I see no enemy to a fortunate issue but in the brow察and that brow professes to say察`I can live alone察if self´respect察and circumstances require me so to do。 I need not sell my soul to buy bliss。 I have an inward treasure born with me察which can keep me alive if all extraneous delights should be withheld察or offered only at a price I cannot afford to give。¨ The forehead declares察 Reason sits firm and holds the reins察and she will not let the feelings burst away and hurry her to wild chasms。 The passions may rage furiously察like true heathens察as they are察and the desires may imagine all sorts of vain things此but judgment shall still have the last word in every argument察and the casting vote in every decision。 Strong wind察earthquake´shock察and fire may pass by此but I shall follow the guiding of that still small voice which interprets the dictates of conscience。¨
^Well said察forehead察your declaration shall be respected。 I have formed my plans!right plans I deem them!and in them I have attended to the claims of conscience察the counsels of reason。 I know how soon youth would fade and bloom perish察if察in the cup of bliss offered察but one dreg of shame察or one flavour of remorse were detected察and I do not want sacrifice察sorrow察dissolution!such is not my taste。 I wish to foster察not to blight!to earn gratitude察not to wring tears of blood!no察nor of brine此my harvest must be in smiles察in endearments察in sweet! That will do。 I think I rave in a kind of exquisite delirium。 I should wish now to protract this moment ad infinitum察but I dare not。 So far I have governed myself thoroughly。 I have acted as I inwardly swore I would act察but further might try me beyond my strength。 Rise察Miss Eyre此leave me察the play is played out¨。 ̄
Where was I拭Did I wake or sleep拭Had I been dreaming拭Did I dream still拭The old woman¨s voice had changed此her accent察her gesture察and all were familiar to me as my own face in a glass!as the speech of my own tongue。 I got up察but did not go。 I looked察I stirred the fire察and I looked again此but she drew her bon and her bandage closer about her face察and again beckoned me to depart。 The flame illuminated her hand stretched out此roused now察and on the alert for discoveries察I at once noticed that hand。 It was no more the withered limb of eld than my own察it was a rounded supple member察with smooth fingers察symmetrically turned察a broad ring flashed on the little finger察and stooping forward察I looked at it察and saw a gem I had seen a hundred times before。 Again I looked at the face察which was no longer turned from me!on the contrary察the bon was doffed察the bandage displaced察the head advanced。
^Well察Jane察do you know me拭院asked the familiar voice。
^Only take off the red cloak察sir察and then! ̄
^But the string is in a knot!help me。 ̄
^Break it察sir。 ̄
^There察then!`Off察ye lendings  ̄ And Mr。 Rochester stepped out of his disguise。
^Now察sir察what a strange idea
^But well carried out察eh拭Don¨t you think so拭
^With the ladies you must have managed well。 ̄
^But not with you拭
^You did not act the character of a gipsy with me。 ̄
^What character did I act拭My own拭
^No察some unaccountable one。 In short察I believe you have been trying to draw me out!or in察you have been talking nonsense to make me talk nonsense。 It is scarcely fair察sir。 ̄
^Do you forgive me察Jane拭
^I cannot tell till I have thought it all over。 If察on reflection察I find I have fallen into no great absurdity察I shall try to forgive you察but it was not right。 ̄
^Oh察you have been very correct!very careful察very sensible。 ̄
I reflected察and thought察on the whole察I had。 It was a fort察but察indeed察I had been on my guard almost from the beginning of the interview。 Something of masquerade I suspected。 I knew gipsies and fortune´tellers did not express themselves as this seeming old woman had expressed herself察besides I had noted her feigned voice察her anxiety to conceal her features。 But my mind had been running on Grace Poole!that living enigma察that mystery of mysteries察as I considered her。 I had never thought of Mr。 Rochester。
^Well察院said he察 what are you musing about拭What does that grave smile signify拭
^Wonder and self´congratulation察sir。 I have your permission to retire now察I suppose拭
^No察stay a moment察and tell me what the people in the drawing´room yonder are doing。 ̄
^Discussing the gipsy察I daresay。 ̄
^Sit down Let me hear what they said about me。 ̄
^I had better not stay long察sir察it must be near eleven o¨clock。 Oh察are you aware察Mr。 Rochester察that a stranger has arrived here since you left this morning拭
^A stranger no察who can it be拭I expected no one察is he gone拭
^No察he said he had known you long察and that he could take the liberty of installing himself here till you returned。 ̄
^The devil he did Did he give his name拭
^His name is Mason察sir察and he es from the West Indies察from Spanish Town察in Jamaica察I think。 ̄
Mr。 Rochester was standing near me察he had taken my hand察as if to lead me to a chair。 As I spoke he gave my wrist a convulsive grip察the smile on his lips froze此apparently a spasm caught his breath。
^Mason the West Indies 院he said察in the tone one might fancy a speaking automaton to enounce its single words察 Mason the West Indies 院he reiterated察and he went over the syllables three times察growing察in the intervals of speaking察whiter than ashes此he hardly seemed to know what he was doing。
^Do you feel ill察sir拭院I inquired。
^Jane察I¨ve got a blow察I¨ve got a blow察Jane 院He staggered。
^Oh察lean on me察sir。 ̄
^Jane察you offered me your shoulder once before察let me have it now。 ̄
^Yes察sir察yes察and my arm。 ̄
He sat down察and made me sit beside him。 Holding my hand in both his own察he chafed it察gazing on me察at the same time察with the most troubled and dreary look。
^My little friend 院said he察 I wish I were in a quiet island with only you察and trouble察and danger察and hideous recollections removed from me。 ̄
^Can I help you察sir拭I¨d give my life to serve you。 ̄
^Jane察if aid is wanted察I¨ll seek it at your hands察I promise you that。 ̄
^Thank you察sir。 Tell me what to do察I¨ll try察at least察to do it。 ̄
^Fetch me now察Jane察a glass of wine from the dining´room此they will be at supper there察and tell me if Mason is with them察and what he is doing。 ̄
I went。 I found all the party in the dining´room at supper察as Mr。 Rochester had said察they were not seated at table察the supper was arranged on the sideboard察each had taken what he chose察and they stood about here and there in groups察their plates and glasses in their hands。 Every one seemed in high glee察laughter and conversation were general and animated。 Mr。 Mason stood near the fire察talking to Colonel and Mrs。 Dent察and appeared as merry as any of them。 I filled a wine´glass I saw Miss Ingram watch me frowningly as I did so此she thought I was taking a liberty察I daresay察and I returned to the library。
Mr。 Rochester¨s extreme pallor had disappeared察and he looked once more firm and stern。 He took the glass from my hand。
^Here is to your health察ministrant spirit 院he said。 He swallowed the contents and returned it to me。 ^What are they doing察Jane拭
^Laughing and talking察sir。 ̄
^They don¨t look grave and mysterious察as if they had heard something strange拭
^Not at all此they are full of jests and gaiety。 ̄
^And Mason拭
^He was laughing too。 ̄
^If all these people came in a body and spat at me察what would you do察Jane拭
^Turn them out of the room察sir察if I could。 ̄
He half smiled。 ^But if I were to go to them察and they only looked at me coldly察and whispered sneeringly amongst each other察and then dropped off and left me one by one察what then拭Would you go with them拭
^I rather think not察sir此I should have more pleasure in staying with you。 ̄
^To fort me拭
^Yes察sir察to fort you察as well as I could。 ̄
^And if they laid you under a ban for adhering to me拭
^I察probably察should know nothing about their ban察and if I did察I should care nothing about it。 ̄
^Then察you could dare censure for my sake拭
^I could dare it for the sake of any friend who deserved my adherence察as you察I am sure察do。 ̄
^Go back now into the room察step quietly up to Mason察and whisper in his ear that Mr。 Rochester is e and wishes to see him此show him in here and then leave me。 ̄
^Yes察sir。 ̄
I did his behest。 The pany all stared at me as I passed straight among them。 I sought Mr。 Mason察delivered the message察and preceded him from the room此I ushered him into the library察and then I went upstairs。
At a late hour察after I had been in bed some time察I heard the visitors repair to their chambers此I distinguished Mr。 Rochester¨s voice察and heard him say察 This way察Mason察this is your room。 ̄
He spoke cheerfully此the gay tones set my heart at ease。 I was soon asleep。
Chapter 20
I had forgotten to draw my curtain察which I usually did察and also to let down my window´blind。 The consequence was察that when the moon察which was full and bright for the night was fine察came in her course to that space in the sky opposite my casement察and looked in at me through the unveiled panes察her glorious gaze roused me。 Awaking in the dead of night察I opened my eyes on her disk!silver´ white and crystal clear。 It was beautiful察but too solemn察I half rose察and stretched my arm to draw the curtain。
Good God What a cry
The night!its silence!its rest察was rent in twain by a savage察a sharp察a shrilly sound that ran from end to end of Thornfield Hall。
My pulse stopped此my heart stood still察my stretched arm was paralysed。 The cry died察and was not renewed。 Indeed察whatever being uttered that fearful shriek could not soon repeat it此not the widest´winged condor on the Andes could察twice in succession察send out such a yell from the cloud shrouding his eyrie。 The thing delivering such utterance must rest ere it could repeat the effort。
It came out of the third storey察for it passed overhead。 And overhead!yes察in the room just above my chamber´ceiling!I now heard a struggle此a deadly one it seemed from the noise察and a half´smothered voice shouted!
^Help help help 院three times rapidly。
^Will no one e拭院it cried察and then察while the staggering and stamping went on wildly察I distinguished through plank and plaster此
^Rochester Rochester for God¨s sake察e
A chamber´door opened此some one ran察or rushed察along the gallery。 Another step stamped on the flooring above and something fell察and there was silence。
I had put on some clothes察though horror shook all my limbs察I issued from my apartment。 The sleepers were all aroused此ejaculations察terrified murmurs sounded in every room察door after door unclosed察one looked out and another looked out察the gallery filled。 Gentlemen and ladies alike had quitted their beds察and ^Oh what is it拭院^Who is hurt拭院^What has happened拭院^Fetch a light 院^Is it fire拭院^Are there robbers拭院^Where shall we run拭院was demanded confusedly on all hands。 But for the moonlight they would have been in plete darkness。 They ran to and fro察they crowded together此some sobbed察some stumbled此the confusion was inextricable。
^Where the devil is Rochester拭院cried Colonel Dent。 ^I cannot find him in his bed。 ̄
^Here here 院was shouted in return。 ^Be posed察all of you此I¨m ing。 ̄
And the door at the end of the gallery opened察and Mr。 Rochester advanced with a candle此he had just descended from the upper storey。 One of the ladies ran to him directly察she seized his arm此it was Miss Ingram。
^What awful event has t