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ponse Vain aspiration The west wind whispered in the ivy round me察but no gentle Ariel borrowed its breath as a medium of speech此the birds sang in the tree´tops察but their song察however sweet察was inarticulate。
Again Mr。 Rochester propounded his query
^Is the wandering and sinful察but now rest´seeking and repentant察man justified in daring the world¨s opinion察in order to attach to him for ever this gentle察gracious察genial stranger察thereby securing his own peace of mind and regeneration of life拭
^Sir察院I answered察 a wanderer¨s repose or a sinner¨s reformation should never depend on a fellow´creature。 Men and women die察philosophers falter in wisdom察and Christians in goodness此if any one you know has suffered and erred察let him look higher than his equals for strength to amend and solace to heal。 ̄
^But the instrument!the instrument God察who does the work察ordains the instrument。 I have myself!I tell it you without parable!been a worldly察dissipated察restless man察and I believe I have found the instrument for my cure in! ̄
He paused此the birds went on carolling察the leaves lightly rustling。 I almost wondered they did not check their songs and whispers to catch the suspended revelation察but they would have had to wait many minutes!so long was the silence protracted。 At last I looked up at the tardy speaker此he was looking eagerly at me。
^Little friend察院said he察in quite a changed tone!while his face changed too察losing all its softness and gravity察and being harsh and sarcastic!^you have noticed my tender penchant for Miss Ingram此don¨t you think if I married her she would regenerate me with a vengeance拭
He got up instantly察went quite to the other end of the walk察and when he came back he was humming a tune。
^Jane察Jane察院said he察stopping before me察 you are quite pale with your vigils此don¨t you curse me for disturbing your rest拭
^Curse you拭No察sir。 ̄
^Shake hands in confirmation of the word。 What cold fingers They were warmer last night when I touched them at the door of the mysterious chamber。 Jane察when will you watch with me again拭
^Whenever I can be useful察sir。 ̄
^For instance察the night before I am married I am sure I shall not be able to sleep。 Will you promise to sit up with me to bear me pany拭To you I can talk of my lovely one此for now you have seen her and know her。 ̄
^Yes察sir。 ̄
^She¨s a rare one察is she not察Jane拭
^Yes察sir。 ̄
^A strapper!a real strapper察Jane此big察brown察and buxom察with hair just such as the ladies of Carthage must have had。 Bless me there¨s Dent and Lynn in the stables Go in by the shrubbery察through that wicket。 ̄
As I went one way察he went another察and I heard him in the yard察saying cheerfully!
^Mason got the start of you all this morning察he was gone before sunrise此I rose at four to see him off。 ̄
Chapter 21
Presentiments are strange things and so are sympathies察and so are signs察and the three bined make one mystery to which humanity has not yet found the key。 I never laughed at presentiments in my life察because I have had strange ones of my own。 Sympathies察I believe察exist for instance察between far´distant察long´absent察wholly estranged relatives asserting察notwithstanding their alienation察the unity of the source to which each traces his origin whose workings baffle mortal prehension。 And signs察for aught we know察may be but the sympathies of Nature with man。
When I was a little girl察only six years old察I one night heard Bessie Leaven say to Martha Abbot that she had been dreaming about a little child察and that to dream of children was a sure sign of trouble察either to one¨s self or one¨s kin。 The saying might have worn out of my memory察had not a circumstance immediately followed which served indelibly to fix it there。 The next day Bessie was sent for home to the deathbed of her little sister。
Of late I had often recalled this saying and this incident察for during the past week scarcely a night had gone over my couch that had not brought with it a dream of an infant察which I sometimes hushed in my arms察sometimes dandled on my knee察sometimes watched playing with daisies on a lawn察or again察dabbling its hands in running water。 It was a wailing child this night察and a laughing one the next此now it nestled close to me察and now it ran from me察but whatever mood the apparition evinced察whatever aspect it wore察it failed not for seven successive nights to meet me the moment I entered the land of slumber。
I did not like this iteration of one idea!this strange recurrence of one image察and I grew nervous as bedtime approached and the hour of the vision drew near。 It was from panionship with this baby´ phantom I had been roused on that moonlight night when I heard the cry察and it was on the afternoon of the day following I was summoned downstairs by a message that some one wanted me in Mrs。 Fairfax¨s room。 On repairing thither察I found a man waiting for me察having the appearance of a gentleman¨s servant此he was dressed in deep mourning察and the hat he held in his hand was surrounded with a crape band。
^I daresay you hardly remember me察Miss察院he said察rising as I entered察 but my name is Leaven此I lived coachman with Mrs。 Reed when you were at Gateshead察eight or nine years since察and I live there still。 ̄
^Oh察Robert how do you do拭I remember you very well此you used to give me a ride sometimes on Miss Georgiana¨s bay pony。 And how is Bessie拭You are married to Bessie拭
^Yes察Miss此my wife is very hearty察thank you察she brought me another little one about two months since!we have three now!and both mother and child are thriving。 ̄
^And are the family well at the house察Robert拭
^I am sorry I can¨t give you better news of them察Miss此they are very badly at present!in great trouble。 ̄
^I hope no one is dead察院I said察glancing at his black dress。 He too looked down at the crape round his hat and replied!
^Mr。 John died yesterday was a week察at his chambers in London。 ̄
^Mr。 John拭
^Yes。 ̄
^And how does his mother bear it拭
^Why察you see察Miss Eyre察it is not a mon mishap此his life has been very wild此these last three years he gave himself up to strange ways察and his death was shocking。 ̄
^I heard from Bessie he was not doing well。 ̄
^Doing well He could not do worse此he ruined his health and his estate amongst the worst men and the worst women。 He got into debt and into jail此his mother helped him out twice察but as soon as he was free he returned to his old panions and habits。 His head was not strong此the knaves he lived amongst fooled him beyond anything I ever heard。 He came down to Gateshead about three weeks ago and wanted missis to give up all to him。 Missis refused此her means have long been much reduced by his extravagance察so he went back again察and the next news was that he was dead。 How he died察God knows they say he killed himself。 ̄
I was silent此the things were frightful。 Robert Leaven resumed!
^Missis had been out of health herself for some time此she had got very stout察but was not strong with it察and the loss of money and fear of poverty were quite breaking her down。 The information about Mr。 John¨s death and the manner of it came too suddenly此it brought on a stroke。 She was three days without speaking察but last Tuesday she seemed rather better此she appeared as if she wanted to say something察and kept making signs to my wife and mumbling。 It was only yesterday morning察however察that Bessie understood she was pronouncing your name察and at last she made out the words察 Bring Jane!fetch Jane Eyre此I want to speak to her。¨ Bessie is not sure whether she is in her right mind察or means anything by the words察but she told Miss Reed and Miss Georgiana察and advised them to send for you。 The young ladies put it off at first察but their mother grew so restless察and said察 Jane察Jane察 so many times察that at last they consented。 I left Gateshead yesterday此and if you can get ready察Miss察I should like to take you back with me early to´ morrow morning。 ̄
^Yes察Robert察I shall be ready此it seems to me that I ought to go。 ̄
^I think so too察Miss。 Bessie said she was sure you would not refuse此but I suppose you will have to ask leave before you can get off拭
^Yes察and I will do it now察院and having directed him to the servants¨ hall察and remended him to the care of John¨s wife察and the attentions of John himself察I went in search of Mr。 Rochester。
He was not in any of the lower rooms察he was not in the yard察the stables察or the grounds。 I asked Mrs。 Fairfax if she had seen him察yes此she believed he was playing billiards with Miss Ingram。 To the billiard´room I hastened此the click of balls and the hum of voices resounded thence察Mr。 Rochester察Miss Ingram察the two Misses Eshton察and their admirers察were all busied in the game。 It required some courage to disturb so interesting a party察my errand察however察was one I could not defer察so I approached the master where he stood at Miss Ingram¨s side。 She turned as I drew near察and looked at me haughtily此her eyes seemed to demand察 What can the creeping creature want now拭院and when I said察in a low voice察 Mr。 Rochester察院she made a movement as if tempted to order me away。 I remember her appearance at the moment!it was very graceful and very striking此she wore a morning robe of sky´blue crape察a gauzy azure scarf was twisted in her hair。 She had been all animation with the game察and irritated pride did not lower the expression of her haughty lineaments。
^Does that person r。 Rochester察and Mr。 Rochester turned to see who the ^person ̄ was。 He made a curious grimace!one of his strange and equivocal demonstrations!threw down his cue and followed me from the room。
^Well察Jane拭院he said察as he rested his back against the schoolroom door察which he had shut。
^If you please察sir察I want leave of absence for a week or two。 ̄
^What to do拭where to go拭
^To see a sick lady who has sent for me。 ̄
^What sick lady拭where does she live拭
^At Gateshead察in!shire。 ̄
^´shire拭That is a hundred miles off Who may she be that sends for people to see her that distance拭
^Her name is Reed察sir!Mrs。 Reed。 ̄
^Reed of Gateshead拭There was a Reed of Gateshead察a magistrate。 ̄
^It is his widow察sir。 ̄
^And what have you to do with her拭How do you know her拭
^Mr。 Reed was my uncle!my mother¨s brother。 ̄
^The deuce he was You never told me that before此you always said you had no relations。 ̄
^None that would own me察sir。 Mr。 Reed is dead察and his wife cast me off。 ̄
^Because I was poor察and burdensome察and she disliked me。 ̄
^But Reed left children拭you must have cousins拭Sir George Lynn was talking of a Reed of Gateshead yesterday察who察he said察was one of the veriest rascals on town察and Ingram was mentioning a Georgiana Reed of the same place察who was much admired for her beauty a season or two ago in London。 ̄
^John Reed is dead察too察sir此he ruined himself and half´ruined his family察and is supposed to have mitted suicide。 The news so shocked his mother that it brought on an apoplectic attack。 ̄
^And what good can you do her拭Nonsense察Jane I would never think of running a hundred miles to see an old lady who will察perhaps察be dead before you reach her此besides察you say she cast you off。 ̄
^Yes察sir察but that is long ago察and when her circumstances were very different此I could not be easy to neglect her wishes now。 ̄
^How long will you stay拭
^As short a time as possible察sir。 ̄
^Promise me only to stay a week! ̄
^I had better not pass my word此I might be obliged to break it。 ̄
^At all events you will e back此you will not be induced under any pretext to take up a permanent residence with her拭
^Oh察no I shall certainly return if all be well。 ̄
^And who goes with you拭You don¨t travel a hundred miles alone。 ̄
^No察sir察she has sent her coachman。 ̄
^A person to be trusted拭
^Yes察sir察he has lived ten years in the family。 ̄
Mr。 Rochester meditated。 ^When do you wish to go拭
^Early to´morrow morning察sir。 ̄
^Well察you must have some money察you can¨t travel without money察and I daresay you have not much此I have given you no salary yet。 How much have you in the world察Jane拭院he asked察smiling。
I drew out my purse察a meagre thing it was。 ^Five shillings察sir。 ̄ He took the purse察poured the hoard into his palm察and chuckled over it as if its scantiness amused him。 Soon he produced his pocket´ book此 Here察院said he察offering me a note察it was fifty pounds察and he owed me but fifteen。 I told him I had no change。
^I don¨t want change察you know that。 Take your wages。 ̄
I declined accepting more than was my due。 He scowled at first察then察as if recollecting something察he said!
^Right察right Better not give you all now此you would察perhaps察stay away three months if you had fifty pounds。 There are ten察is it not plenty拭
^Yes察sir察but now you owe me five。 ̄
^e back for it察then察I am your banker for forty pounds。 ̄
^Mr。 Rochester察I may as well mention another matter of business to you while I have the opportunity。 ̄
^Matter of business拭I am curious to hear it。 ̄
^You have as good as informed me察sir察that you are going shortly to be married拭
^Yes察what then拭
^In that case察sir察Ad┬le ought to go to school此I am sure you 

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