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^You have as good as informed me察sir察that you are going shortly to be married拭
^Yes察what then拭
^In that case察sir察Ad┬le ought to go to school此I am sure you will perceive the necessity of it。 ̄
^To get her out of my bride¨s way察who might otherwise walk over her rather too emphatically拭There¨s sense in the suggestion察not a doubt of it。 Ad┬le察as you say察must go to school察and you察of course察must march straight to!the devil拭
^I hope not察sir察but I must seek another situation somewhere。 ̄
^In course 院he exclaimed察with a twang of voice and a distortion of features equally fantastic and ludicrous。 He looked at me some minutes。
^And old Madam Reed察or the Misses察her daughters察will be solicited by you to seek a place察I suppose拭
^No察sir察I am not on such terms with my relatives as would justify me in asking favours of them!but I shall advertise。 ̄
^You shall walk up the pyramids of Egypt 院he growled。 ^At your peril you advertise I wish I had only offered you a sovereign instead of ten pounds。 Give me back nine pounds察Jane察I¨ve a use for it。 ̄
^And so have I察sir察院I returned察putting my hands and my purse behind me。 ^I could not spare the money on any account。 ̄
^Little niggard 院said he察 refusing me a pecuniary request Give me five pounds察Jane。 ̄
^Not five shillings察sir察nor five pence。 ̄
^Just let me look at the cash。 ̄
^No察sir察you are not to be trusted。 ̄
^Promise me one thing。 ̄
^I¨ll promise you anything察sir察that I think I am likely to perform。 ̄
^Not to advertise此and to trust this quest of a situation to me。 I¨ll find you one in time。 ̄
^I shall be glad so to do察sir察if you察in your turn察will promise that I and Ad┬le shall be both safe out of the house before your bride enters it。 ̄
^Very well very well I¨ll pledge my word on it。 You go to´ morrow察then拭
^Yes察sir察early。 ̄
^Shall you e down to the drawing´room after dinner拭
^No察sir察I must prepare for the journey。 ̄
^Then you and I must bid good´bye for a little while拭
^I suppose so察sir。 ̄
^And how do people perform that ceremony of parting察Jane拭Teach me察I¨m not quite up to it。 ̄
^They say察Farewell察or any other form they prefer。 ̄
^Then say it。 ̄
^Farewell察Mr。 Rochester察for the present。 ̄
^What must I say拭
^The same察if you like察sir。 ̄
^Farewell察Miss Eyre察for the present察is that all拭
^It seems stingy察to my notions察and dry察and unfriendly。 I should like something else此a little addition to the rite。 If one shook hands察for instance察but no!that would not content me either。 So you¨ll do no more than say Farewell察Jane拭
^It is enough察sir此as much good´will may be conveyed in one hearty word as in many。 ̄
^Very likely察but it is blank and cool!`Farewell。¨ ̄
^How long is he going to stand with his back against that door拭院I asked myself察 I want to mence my packing。 ̄ The dinner´bell rang察and suddenly away he bolted察without another syllable此I saw him no more during the day察and was off before he had risen in the morning。
I reached the lodge at Gateshead about five o¨clock in the afternoon of the first of May此I stepped in there before going up to the hall。 It was very clean and neat此the ornamental windows were hung with little white curtains察the floor was spotless察the grate and fire´irons were burnished bright察and the fire burnt clear。 Bessie sat on the hearth察nursing her last´born察and Robert and his sister played quietly in a corner。
^Bless you I knew you would e 院exclaimed Mrs。 Leaven察as I entered。
^Yes察Bessie察院said I察after I had kissed her察 and I trust I am not too late。 How is Mrs。 Reed拭Alive still察I hope。 ̄
^Yes察she is alive察and more sensible and collected than she was。 The doctor says she may linger a week or two yet察but he hardly thinks she will finally recover。 ̄
^Has she mentioned me lately拭
^She was talking of you only this morning察and wishing you would e察but she is sleeping now察or was ten minutes ago察when I was up at the house。 She generally lies in a kind of lethargy all the afternoon察and wakes up about six or seven。 Will you rest yourself here an hour察Miss察and then I will go up with you拭
Robert here entered察and Bessie laid her sleeping child in the cradle and went to wele him此afterwards she insisted on my taking off my bon and having some tea察for she said I looked pale and tired。 I was glad to accept her hospitality察and I submitted to be relieved of my travelling garb just as passively as I used to let her undress me when a child。
Old times crowded fast back on me as I watched her bustling about! setting out the tea´tray with her best china察cutting bread and butter察toasting a tea´cake察and察between whiles察giving little Robert or Jane an occasional tap or push察just as she used to give me in former days。 Bessie had retained her quick temper as well as her light foot and good looks。
Tea ready察I was going to approach the table察but she desired me to sit still察quite in her old peremptory tones。 I must be served at the fireside察she said察and she placed before me a little round stand with my cup and a plate of toast察absolutely as she used to acmodate me with some privately purloined dainty on a nursery chair此and I smiled and obeyed her as in bygone days。
She wanted to know if I was happy at Thornfield Hall察and what sort of a person the mistress was察and when I told her there was only a master察whether he was a nice gentleman察and if I liked him。 I told her he rather an ugly man察but quite a gentleman察and that he treated me kindly察and I was content。 Then I went on to describe to her the gay pany that had lately been staying at the house察and to these details Bessie listened with interest此they were precisely of the kind she relished。
In such conversation an hour was soon gone此Bessie restored to me my bon察&c。察and察acpanied by her察I quitted the lodge for the hall。 It was also acpanied by her that I had察nearly nine years ago察walked down the path I was now ascending。 On a dark察misty察raw morning in January察I had left a hostile roof with a desperate and embittered heart!a sense of outlawry and almost of reprobation!to seek the chilly harbourage of Lowood此that bourne so far away and unexplored。 The same hostile roof now again rose before me此my prospects were doubtful yet察and I had yet an aching heart。 I still felt as a wanderer on the face of the earth察but I experienced firmer trust in myself and my own powers察and less withering dread of oppression。 The gaping wound of my wrongs察too察was now quite healed察and the flame of resentment extinguished。
^You shall go into the breakfast´room first察院said Bessie察as she preceded me through the hall察 the young ladies will be there。 ̄
In another moment I was within that apartment。 There was every article of furniture looking just as it did on the morning I was first introduced to Mr。 Brocklehurst此the very rug he had stood upon still covered the hearth。 Glancing at the bookcases察I thought I could distinguish the two volumes of Bewick¨s British Birds occupying their old place on the third shelf察and Gulliver¨s Travels and the Arabian Nights ranged just above。 The inanimate objects were not changed察but the living things had altered past recognition。
Two young ladies appeared before me察one very tall察almost as tall as Miss Ingram!very thin too察with a sallow face and severe mien。 There was something ascetic in her look察which was augmented by the extreme plainness of a straight´skirted察black察stuff dress察a starched linen collar察hair bed away from the temples察and the nun´like ornament of a string of ebony beads and a crucifix。 This I felt sure was Eliza察though I could trace little resemblance to her former self in that elongated and colourless visage。
The other was as certainly Georgiana此but not the Georgiana I remembered!the slim and fairy´like girl of eleven。 This was a full´blown察very plump damsel察fair as waxwork察with handsome and regular features察languishing blue eyes察and ringleted yellow hair。 The hue of her dress was black too察but its fashion was so different from her sister¨s!so much more flowing and being!it looked as stylish as the other¨s looked puritanical。
In each of the sisters there was one trait of the mother!and only one察the thin and pallid elder daughter had her parent¨s Cairngorm eye此the blooming and luxuriant younger girl had her contour of jaw and chin!perhaps a little softened察but still imparting an indescribable hardness to the countenance otherwise so voluptuous and buxom。
Both ladies察as I advanced察rose to wele me察and both addressed me by the name of ^Miss Eyre。 ̄ Eliza¨s greeting was delivered in a short察abrupt voice察without a smile察and then she sat down again察fixed her eyes on the fire察and seemed to forget me。 Georgiana added to her ^How d¨ye do拭院several monplaces about my journey察the weather察and so on察uttered in rather a drawling tone此and acpanied by sundry side´glances that measured me from head to foot!now traversing the folds of my drab merino pelisse察and now lingering on the plain trimming of my cottage bon。 Young ladies have a remarkable way of letting you know that they think you a ^quiz ̄ without actually saying the words。 A certain superciliousness of look察coolness of manner察nonchalance of tone察express fully their sentiments on the point察without mitting them by any positive rudeness in word or deed。
A sneer察however察whether covert or open察had now no longer that power over me it once possessed此as I sat between my cousins察I was surprised to find how easy I felt under the total neglect of the one and the semi´sarcastic attentions of the other!Eliza did not mortify察nor Georgiana ruffle me。 The fact was察I had other things to think about察within the last few months feelings had been stirred in me so much more potent than any they could raise!pains and pleasures so much more acute and exquisite had been excited than any it was in their power to inflict or bestow!that their airs gave me no concern either for good or bad。
^How is Mrs。 Reed拭院I asked soon察looking calmly at Georgiana察who thought fit to bridle at the direct address察as if it were an unexpected liberty。
^Mrs。 Reed拭Ah mama察you mean察she is extremely poorly此I doubt if you can see her to´night。 ̄
^If察院said I察 you would just step upstairs and tell her I am e察I should be much obliged to you。 ̄
Georgiana almost started察and she opened her blue eyes wild and wide。 ^I know she had a particular wish to see me察院I added察 and I would not defer attending to her desire longer than is absolutely necessary。 ̄
^Mama dislikes being disturbed in an evening察院remarked Eliza。 I soon rose察quietly took off my bon and gloves察uninvited察and said I would just step out to Bessie!who was察I dared say察in the kitchen!and ask her to ascertain whether Mrs。 Reed was disposed to receive me or not to´night。 I went察and having found Bessie and despatched her on my errand察I proceeded to take further measures。 It had heretofore been my habit always to shrink from arrogance此received as I had been to´day察I should察a year ago察have resolved to quit Gateshead the very next morning察now察it was disclosed to me all at once that that would be a foolish plan。 I had taken a journey of a hundred miles to see my aunt察and I must stay with her till she was better!or dead此as to her daughters¨ pride or folly察I must put it on one side察make myself independent of it。 So I addressed the housekeeper察asked her to show me a room察told her I should probably be a visitor here for a week or two察had my trunk conveyed to my chamber察and followed it thither myself此I met Bessie on the landing。
^Missis is awake察院said she察 I have told her you are here此e and let us see if she will know you。 ̄
I did not need to be guided to the well´known room察to which I had so often been summoned for chastisement or reprimand in former days。 I hastened before Bessie察I softly opened the door此a shaded light stood on the table察for it was now getting dark。 There was the great four´post bed with amber hangings as of old察there the toilet´ table察the armchair察and the footstool察at which I had a hundred times been sentenced to kneel察to ask pardon for offences by me unmitted。 I looked into a certain corner near察half´expecting to see the slim outline of a once dreaded switch which used to lurk there察waiting to leap out imp´like and lace my quivering palm or shrinking neck。 I approached the bed察I opened the curtains and leant over the high´piled pillows。
Well did I remember Mrs。 Reed¨s face察and I eagerly sought the familiar image。 It is a happy thing that time quells the longings of vengeance and hushes the promptings of rage and aversion。 I had left this woman in bitterness and hate察and I came back to her now with no other emotion than a sort of ruth for her great sufferings察and a strong yearning to forget and forgive all injuries!to be reconciled and clasp hands in amity。
The well´known face was there此stern察relentless as ever!there was that peculiar eye which nothing could melt察and the somewhat raised察imperious察despotic eyebrow。 How often had it lowered on me menace and hate and how the recollection of childhood¨s terrors and sorrows revived as I traced its 

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