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hen my wife is prompted by her familiar to burn people in their beds at night察to stab them察to bite their flesh from their bones察and so on! ̄
^Sir察院I interrupted him察 you are inexorable for that unfortunate lady此you speak of her with hate!with vindictive antipathy。 It is cruel!she cannot help being mad。 ̄
^Jane察my little darling so I will call you察for so you are察you don¨t know what you are talking about察you misjudge me again此it is not because she is mad I hate her。 If you were mad察do you think I should hate you拭
^I do indeed察sir。 ̄
^Then you are mistaken察and you know nothing about me察and nothing about the sort of love of which I am capable。 Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own此in pain and sickness it would still be dear。 Your mind is my treasure察and if it were broken察it would be my treasure still此if you raved察my arms should confine you察and not a strait waistcoat!your grasp察even in fury察would have a charm for me此if you flew at me as wildly as that woman did this morning察I should receive you in an embrace察at least as fond as it would be restrictive。 I should not shrink from you with disgust as I did from her此in your quiet moments you should have no watcher and no nurse but me察and I could hang over you with untiring tenderness察though you gave me no smile in return察and never weary of gazing into your eyes察though they had no longer a ray of recognition for me。!But why do I follow that train of ideas拭I was talking of removing you from Thornfield。 All察you know察is prepared for prompt departure此to´morrow you shall go。 I only ask you to endure one more night under this roof察Jane察and then察farewell to its miseries and terrors for ever I have a place to repair to察which will be a secure sanctuary from hateful reminiscences察from unwele intrusion!even from falsehood and slander。 ̄
^And take Ad┬le with you察sir察院I interrupted察 she will be a panion for you。 ̄
^What do you mean察Jane拭I told you I would send Ad┬le to school察and what do I want with a child for a panion察and not my own child察a French dancer¨s bastard拭Why do you importune me about her I say察why do you assign Ad┬le to me for a panion拭
^You spoke of a retirement察sir察and retirement and solitude are dull此too dull for you。 ̄
^Solitude solitude 院he reiterated with irritation。 ^I see I must e to an explanation。 I don¨t know what sphynx´like expression is forming in your countenance。 You are to share my solitude。 Do you understand拭
I shook my head此it required a degree of courage察excited as he was being察even to risk that mute sign of dissent。 He had been walking fast about the room察and he stopped察as if suddenly rooted to one spot。 He looked at me long and hard此I turned my eyes from him察fixed them on the fire察and tried to assume and maintain a quiet察collected aspect。
^Now for the hitch in Jane¨s character察院he said at last察speaking more calmly than from his look I had expected him to speak。 ^The reel of silk has run smoothly enough so far察but I always knew there would e a knot and a puzzle此here it is。 Now for vexation察and exasperation察and endless trouble By God I long to exert a fraction of Samson¨s strength察and break the entanglement like tow 
He remenced his walk察but soon again stopped察and this time just before me。
^Jane will you hear reason拭院。he stooped and approached his lips to my ear察 because察if you won¨t察I¨ll try violence。 ̄ His voice was hoarse察his look that of a man who is just about to burst an insufferable bond and plunge headlong into wild license。 I saw that in another moment察and with one impetus of frenzy more察I should be able to do nothing with him。 The present!the passing second of time!was all I had in which to control and restrain him!a movement of repulsion察flight察fear would have sealed my doom察and his。 But I was not afraid此not in the least。 I felt an inward power察a sense of influence察which supported me。 The crisis was perilous察but not without its charm此such as the Indian察perhaps察feels when he slips over the rapid in his canoe。 I took hold of his clenched hand察loosened the contorted fingers察and said to him察soothingly!
^Sit down察I¨ll talk to you as long as you like察and hear all you have to say察whether reasonable or unreasonable。 ̄
He sat down此but he did not get leave to speak directly。 I had been struggling with tears for some time此I had taken great pains to repress them察because I knew he would not like to see me weep。 Now察however察I considered it well to let them flow as freely and as long as they liked。 If the flood annoyed him察so much the better。 So I gave way and cried heartily。
Soon I heard him earnestly entreating me to be posed。 I said I could not while he was in such a passion。
^But I am not angry察Jane此I only love you too well察and you had steeled your little pale face with such a resolute察frozen look察I could not endure it。 Hush察now察and wipe your eyes。 ̄
His softened voice announced that he was subdued察so I察in my turn察became calm。 Now he made an effort to rest his head on my shoulder察but I would not permit it。 Then he would draw me to him此no。
^Jane Jane 院he said察in such an accent of bitter sadness it thrilled along every nerve I had察 you don¨t love me察then拭It was only my station察and the rank of my wife察that you valued拭Now that you think me disqualified to bee your husband察you recoil from my touch as if I were some toad or ape。 ̄
These words cut me此yet what could I do or I say拭I ought probably to have done or said nothing察but I was so tortured by a sense of remorse at thus hurting his feelings察I could not control the wish to drop balm where I had wounded。
^I do love you察院I said察 more than ever此but I must not show or indulge the feeling此and this is the last time I must express it。 ̄
^The last time察Jane What do you think you can live with me察and see me daily察and yet察if you still love me察be always cold and distant拭
^No察sir察that I am certain I could not察and therefore I see there is but one way此but you will be furious if I mention it。 ̄
^Oh察mention it If I storm察you have the art of weeping。 ̄
^Mr。 Rochester察I must leave you。 ̄
^For how long察Jane拭For a few minutes察while you smooth your hair!which is somewhat dishevelled察and bathe your face!which looks feverish拭
^I must leave Ad┬le and Thornfield。 I must part with you for my whole life此I must begin a new existence among strange faces and strange scenes。 ̄
^Of course此I told you you should。 I pass over the madness about parting from me。 You mean you must bee a part of me。 As to the new existence察it is all right此you shall yet be my wife此I am not married。 You shall be Mrs。 Rochester!both virtually and nominally。 I shall keep only to you so long as you and I live。 You shall go to a place I have in the south of France此a whitewashed villa on the shores of the Mediterranean。 There you shall live a happy察and guarded察and most innocent life。 Never fear that I wish to lure you into error!to make you my mistress。 Why did you shake your head拭Jane察you must be reasonable察or in truth I shall again bee frantic。 ̄
His voice and hand quivered此his large nostrils dilated察his eye blazed此still I dared to speak。
^Sir察your wife is living此that is a fact acknowledged this morning by yourself。 If I lived with you as you desire察I should then be your mistress此to say otherwise is sophistical!is false。 ̄
^Jane察I am not a gentle´tempered man!you forget that此I am not long´enduring察I am not cool and dispassionate。 Out of pity to me and yourself察put your finger on my pulse察feel how it throbs察and! beware 
He bared his wrist察and offered it to me此the blood was forsaking his cheek and lips察they were growing livid察I was distressed on all hands。 To agitate him thus deeply察by a resistance he so abhorred察was cruel此to yield was out of the question。 I did what human beings do instinctively when they are driven to utter extremity! looked for aid to one higher than man此the words ^God help me 院burst involuntarily from my lips。
^I am a fool 院cried Mr。 Rochester suddenly。 ^I keep telling her I am not married察and do not explain to her why。 I forget she knows nothing of the character of that woman察or of the circumstances attending my infernal union with her。 Oh察I am certain Jane will agree with me in opinion察when she knows all that I know Just put your hand in mine察Ja!that I may have the evidence of touch as well as sight察to prove you are near me!and I will in a few words show you the real state of the case。 Can you listen to me
^Yes察sir察for hours if you will。 ̄
^I ask only minutes。 Jane察did you ever hear or know at I was not the eldest son of my house此that I had once a brother older than I拭
^I remember Mrs。 Fairfax told me so once。 ̄
^And did you ever hear that my father was an avaricious察grasping man拭
^I have understood something to that effect。 ̄
^Well察Jane察being so察it was his resolution to keep the property together察he could not bear the idea of dividing his estate and leaving me a fair portion此all察he resolved察should go to my brother察Rowland。 Yet as little could he endure that a son of his should be a poor man。 I must be provided for by a wealthy marriage。 He sought me a partner betimes。 Mr。 Mason察a West India planter and merchant察was his old acquaintance。 He was certain his possessions were real and vast此he made inquiries。 Mr。 Mason察he found察had a son and daughter察and he learned from him that he could and would give the latter a fortune of thirty thousand pounds此that sufficed。 When I left college察I was sent out to Jamaica察to espouse a bride already courted for me。 My father said nothing about her money察but he told me Miss Mason was the boast of Spanish Town for her beauty此and this was no lie。 I found her a fine woman察in the style of Blanche Ingram此tall察dark察and majestic。 Her family wished to secure me because I was of a good race察and so did she。 They showed her to me in parties察splendidly dressed。 I seldom saw her alone察and had very little private conversation with her。 She flattered me察and lavishly displayed for my pleasure her charms and acplishments。 All the men in her circle seemed to admire her and envy me。 I was dazzled察stimulated此my senses were excited察and being ignorant察raw察and inexperienced察I thought I loved her。 There is no folly so besotted that the idiotic rivalries of society察the prurience察the rashness察the blindness of youth察will not hurry a man to its mission。 Her relatives encouraged me察petitors piqued me察she allured me此a marriage was achieved almost before I knew where I was。 Oh察I have no respect for myself when I think of that act an agony of inward contempt masters me。 I never loved察I never esteemed察I did not even know her。 I was not sure of the existence of one virtue in her nature此I had marked neither modesty察nor benevolence察nor candour察nor refinement in her mind or manners!and察I married her此 gross察grovelling察mole´eyed blockhead that I was With less sin I might have!But let me remember to whom I am speaking。 ̄
^My bride¨s mother I had never seen此I understood she was dead。 The honeymoon over察I learned my mistake察she was only mad察and shut up in a lunatic asylum。 There was a younger brother察too!a plete dumb idiot。 The elder one察whom you have seen and whom I cannot hate察whilst I abhor all his kindred察because he has some grains of affection in his feeble mind察shown in the continued interest he takes in his wretched sister察and also in a dog´like attachment he once bore me察will probably be in the same state one day。 My father and my brother Rowland knew all this察but they thought only of the thirty thousand pounds察and joined in the plot against me。 ̄
^These were vile discoveries察but except for the treachery of concealment察I should have made them no subject of reproach to my wife察even when I found her nature wholly alien to mine察her tastes obnoxious to me察her cast of mind mon察low察narrow察and singularly incapable of being led to anything higher察expanded to anything larger!when I found that I could not pass a single evening察nor even a single hour of the day with her in fort察that kindly conversation could not be sustained between us察because whatever topic I started察immediately received from her a turn at once coarse and trite察perverse and imbecile!when I perceived that I should never have a quiet or settled household察because no servant would bear the continued outbreaks of her violent and unreasonable temper察or the vexations of her absurd察contradictory察exacting orders!even then I restrained myself此I eschewed upbraiding察I curtailed remonstrance察I tried to devour my repentance and disgust in secret察I repressed the deep antipathy I felt。
^Jane察I will not trouble you with abominable details此some strong words shall express what I have to say。 I lived with that woman upstairs four years察and before that time she had tried me indeed此her character ripened and developed with frightful rapidity察her vices sprang up fast and rank此they were so strong察only cruelty could check them察and I would not use cruelty。 What a pigmy intellect she had察and what giant propensities How fearful were the curses those propensities entailed on me Bertha Mason察the true

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