梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ○ 賜 ★ 辛酔堀貧和鍬匈梓囚徒貧議 Enter 囚辛指欺云慕朕村匈梓囚徒貧圭鮗 ● 辛指欺云匈競何
oregone determinations察are all I have at this hour to stand by此there I plant my foot。 ̄
I did。 Mr。 Rochester察reading my countenance察saw I had done so。 His fury was wrought to the highest此he must yield to it for a moment察whatever followed察he crossed the floor and seized my arm and grasped my waist。 He seemed to devour me with his flaming glance此physically察I felt察at the moment察powerless as stubble exposed to the draught and glow of a furnace此mentally察I still possessed my soul察and with it the certainty of ultimate safety。 The soul察fortunately察has an interpreter!often an unconscious察but still a truthful interpreter!in the eye。 My eye rose to his察and while I looked in his fierce face I gave an involuntary sigh察his gripe was painful察and my over´taxed strength almost exhausted。
^Never察院said he察as he ground his teeth察 never was anything at once so frail and so indomitable。 A mere reed she feels in my hand 院。And he shook me with the force of his hold。 ^I could bend her with my finger and thumb此and what good would it do if I bent察if I uptore察if I crushed her拭Consider that eye此consider the resolute察wild察free thing looking out of it察defying me察with more than courage!with a stern triumph。 Whatever I do with its cage察I cannot get at it!the savage察beautiful creature If I tear察if I rend the slight prison察my outrage will only let the captive loose。 Conqueror I might be of the house察but the inmate would escape to heaven before I could call myself possessor of its clay dwelling´ place。 And it is you察spirit!with will and energy察and virtue and purity!that I want此not alone your brittle frame。 Of yourself you could e with soft flight and nestle against my heart察if you would此seized against your will察you will elude the grasp like an essence!you will vanish ere I inhale your fragrance。 Oh e察Jane察e
As he said this察he released me from his clutch察and only looked at me。 The look was far worse to resist than the frantic strain此only an idiot察however察would have succumbed now。 I had dared and baffled his fury察I must elude his sorrow此I retired to the door。
^You are going察Jane拭
^I am going察sir。 ̄
^You are leaving me拭
^Yes。 ̄
^You will not e拭You will not be my forter察my rescuer拭My deep love察my wild woe察my frantic prayer察are all nothing to you拭
What unutterable pathos was in his voice How hard it was to reiterate firmly察 I am going。 ̄
^Mr。 Rochester
^Withdraw察then察I consent察but remember察you leave me here in anguish。 Go up to your own room察think over all I have said察and察Jane察cast a glance on my sufferings!think of me。 ̄
He turned away察he threw himself on his face on the sofa。 ^Oh察Jane my hope!my love!my life 院broke in anguish from his lips。 Then came a deep察strong sob。
I had already gained the door察but察reader察I walked back!walked back as determinedly as I had retreated。 I knelt down by him察I turned his face from the cushion to me察I kissed his cheek察I smoothed his hair with my hand。
^God bless you察my dear master 院I said。 ^God keep you from harm and wrong!direct you察solace you!reward you well for your past kindness to me。 ̄
^Little Jane¨s love would have been my best reward察院he answered察 without it察my heart is broken。 But Jane will give me her love此yes!nobly察generously。 ̄
Up the blood rushed to his face察forth flashed the fire from his eyes察erect he sprang察he held his arms out察but I evaded the embrace察and at once quitted the room。
^Farewell 院was the cry of my heart as I left him。 Despair added察 Farewell for ever
That night I never thought to sleep察but a slumber fell on me as soon as I lay down in bed。 I was transported in thought to the scenes of childhood此I dreamt I lay in the red´room at Gateshead察that the night was dark察and my mind impressed with strange fears。 The light that long ago had struck me into syncope察recalled in this vision察seemed glidingly to mount the wall察and tremblingly to pause in the centre of the obscured ceiling。 I lifted up my head to look此the roof resolved to clouds察high and dim察the gleam was such as the moon imparts to vapours she is about to sever。 I watched her e! watched with the strangest anticipation察as though some word of doom were to be written on her disk。 She broke forth as never moon yet burst from cloud此a hand first perated the sable folds and waved them away察then察not a moon察but a white human form shone in the azure察inclining a glorious brow earthward。 It gazed and gazed on me。 It spoke to my spirit此immeasurably distant was the tone察yet so near察it whispered in my heart!
^My daughter察flee temptation。 ̄
^Mother察I will。 ̄
So I answered after I had waked from the trance´like dream。 It was yet night察but July nights are short此soon after midnight察dawn es。 ^It cannot be too early to mence the task I have to fulfil察院thought I。 I rose此I was dressed察for I had taken off nothing but my shoes。 I knew where to find in my drawers some linen察a locket察a ring。 In seeking these articles察I encountered the beads of a pearl necklace Mr。 Rochester had forced me to accept a few days ago。 I left that察it was not mine此it was the visionary bride¨s who had melted in air。 The other articles I made up in a parcel察my purse察containing twenty shillings it was all I had察I put in my pocket此I tied on my straw bon察pinned my shawl察took the parcel and my slippers察which I would not put on yet察and stole from my room。
^Farewell察kind Mrs。 Fairfax 院I whispered察as I glided past her door。 ^Farewell察my darling Ad┬le 院I said察as I glanced towards the nursery。 No thought could be admitted of entering to embrace her。 I had to deceive a fine ear此for aught I knew it might now be listening。
I would have got past Mr。 Rochester¨s chamber without a pause察but my heart momentarily stopping its beat at that threshold察my foot was forced to stop also。 No sleep was there此the inmate was walking restlessly from wall to wall察and again and again he sighed while I listened。 There was a heaven!a temporary heaven!in this room for me察if I chose此I had but to go in and to say!
^Mr。 Rochester察I will love you and live with you through life till death察院and a fount of rapture would spring to my lips。 I thought of this。
That kind master察who could not sleep now察was waiting with impatience for day。 He would send for me in the morning察I should be gone。 He would have me sought for此vainly。 He would feel himself forsaken察his love rejected此he would suffer察perhaps grow desperate。 I thought of this too。 My hand moved towards the lock此I caught it back察and glided on。
Drearily I wound my way downstairs此I knew what I had to do察and I did it mechanically。 I sought the key of the side´door in the kitchen察I sought察too察a phial of oil and a feather察I oiled the key and the lock。 I got some water察I got some bread此for perhaps I should have to walk far察and my strength察sorely shaken of late察must not break down。 All this I did without one sound。 I opened the door察passed out察shut it softly。 Dim dawn glimmered in the yard。 The great gates were closed and locked察but a wicket in one of them was only latched。 Through that I departed此it察too察I shut察and now I was out of Thornfield。
A mile off察beyond the fields察lay a road which stretched in the contrary direction to Millcote察a road I had never travelled察but often noticed察and wondered where it led此thither I bent my steps。 No reflection was to be allowed now此not one glance was to be cast back察not even one forward。 Not one thought was to be given either to the past or the future。 The first was a page so heavenly sweet! so deadly sad!that to read one line of it would dissolve my courage and break down my energy。 The last was an awful blank此something like the world when the deluge was gone by。
I skirted fields察and hedges察and lanes till after sunrise。 I believe it was a lovely summer morning此I know my shoes察which I had put on when I left the house察were soon wet with dew。 But I looked neither to rising sun察nor smiling sky察nor wakening nature。 He who is taken out to pass through a fair scene to the scaffold察thinks not of the flowers that smile on his road察but of the block and axe´edge察of the disseverment of bone and vein察of the grave gaping at the end此and I thought of drear flight and homeless wandering!and oh with agony I thought of what I left。 I could not help it。 I thought of him now!in his room!watching the sunrise察hoping I should soon e to say I would stay with him and be his。 I longed to be his察I panted to return此it was not too late察I could yet spare him the bitter pang of bereavement。 As yet my flight察I was sure察was undiscovered。 I could go back and be his forter!his pride察his redeemer from misery察perhaps from ruin。 Oh察that fear of his self´abandonment!far worse than my abandonment!how it goaded me It was a barbed arrow´head in my breast察it tore me when I tried to extract it察it sickened me when remembrance thrust it farther in。 Birds began singing in brake and copse此birds were faithful to their mates察birds were emblems of love。 What was I拭In the midst of my pain of heart and frantic effort of principle察I abhorred myself。 I had no solace from self´ approbation此none even from self´respect。 I had injured!wounded! left my master。 I was hateful in my own eyes。 Still I could not turn察nor retrace one step。 God must have led me on。 As to my own will or conscience察impassioned grief had trampled one and stifled the other。 I was weeping wildly as I walked along my solitary way此fast察fast I went like one delirious。 A weakness察beginning inwardly察extending to the limbs察seized me察and I fell此I lay on the ground some minutes察pressing my face to the wet turf。 I had some fear!or hope!that here I should die此but I was soon up察crawling forwards on my hands and knees察and then again raised to my feet!as eager and as determined as ever to reach the road。
When I got there察I was forced to sit to rest me under the hedge察and while I sat察I heard wheels察and saw a coach e on。 I stood up and lifted my hand察it stopped。 I asked where it was going此the driver named a place a long way off察and where I was sure Mr。 Rochester had no connections。 I asked for what sum he would take me there察he said thirty shillings察I answered I had but twenty察well察he would try to make it do。 He further gave me leave to get into the inside察as the vehicle was empty此I entered察was shut in察and it rolled on its way。
Gentle reader察may you never feel what I then felt May your eyes never shed such stormy察scalding察heart´wrung tears as poured from mine。 May you never appeal to Heaven in prayers so hopeless and so agonised as in that hour left my lips察for never may you察like me察dread to be the instrument of evil to what you wholly love。
Chapter 28
Two days are passed。 It is a summer evening察the coachman has set me down at a place called Whitcross察he could take me no farther for the sum I had given察and I was not possessed of another shilling in the world。 The coach is a mile off by this time察I am alone。 At this moment I discover that I forgot to take my parcel out of the pocket of the coach察where I had placed it for safety察there it remains察there it must remain察and now察I am absolutely destitute。
Whitcross is no town察nor even a hamlet察it is but a stone pillar set up where four roads meet此whitewashed察I suppose察to be more obvious at a distance and in darkness。 Four arms spring from its summit此the nearest town to which these point is察according to the inscription察distant ten miles察the farthest察above twenty。 From the well´known names of these towns I learn in what county I have lighted察a north´midland shire察dusk with moorland察ridged with mountain此this I see。 There are great moors behind and on each hand of me察there are waves of mountains far beyond that deep valley at my feet。 The population here must be thin察and I see no passengers on these roads此they stretch out east察west察north察and south!white察broad察lonely察they are all cut in the moor察and the heather grows deep and wild to their very verge。 Yet a chance traveller might pass by察and I wish no eye to see me now此strangers would wonder what I am doing察lingering here at the sign´post察evidently objectless and lost。 I might be questioned此I could give no answer but what would sound incredible and excite suspicion。 Not a tie holds me to human society at this moment!not a charm or hope calls me where my fellow´creatures are!none that saw me would have a kind thought or a good wish for me。 I have no relative but the universal mother察Nature此I will seek her breast and ask repose。
I struck straight into the heath察I held on to a hollow I saw deeply furrowing the brown moorside察I waded knee´deep in its dark growth察I turned with its turnings察and finding a moss´blackened granite crag in a hidden angle察I sat down under it。 High banks of moor were about me察the crag protected my head此the sky was over that。
Some time passed before I felt tranquil even here此I had a vague dread that wild cattle might be near察or that some sportsman or poacher might discover me。 If a gust of wind swept the waste察I looked up察fearing it was the rush of a bull察if a plover whistled察I imagined it a man。 Finding my apprehensions unfounded察however察and calmed by