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vants will察you know察ma¨am!and he set store on her past everything此for all察nobody but him thought her so very handsome。 She was a little small thing察they say察almost like a child。 I never saw her myself察but I¨ve heard Leah察the house´maid察tell of her。 Leah liked her well enough。 Mr。 Rochester was about forty察and this governess not twenty察and you see察when gentlemen of his age fall in love with girls察they are often like as if they were bewitched。 Well察he would marry her。 ̄
^You shall tell me this part of the story another time察院I said察 but now I have a particular reason for wishing to hear all about the fire。 Was it suspected that this lunatic察Mrs。 Rochester察had any hand in it拭
^You¨ve hit it察ma¨am此it¨s quite certain that it was her察and nobody but her察that set it going。 She had a woman to take care of her called Mrs。 Poole!an able woman in her line察and very trustworthy察but for one fault!a fault mon to a deal of them nurses and matrons!she kept a private bottle of gin by her察and now and then took a drop over´much。 It is excusable察for she had a hard life of it此but still it was dangerous察for when Mrs。 Poole was fast asleep after the gin and water察the mad lady察who was as cunning as a witch察would take the keys out of her pocket察let herself out of her chamber察and go roaming about the house察doing any wild mischief that came into her head。 They say she had nearly burnt her husband in his bed once此but I don¨t know about that。 However察on this night察she set fire first to the hangings of the room next her own察and then she got down to a lower storey察and made her way to the chamber that had been the governess¨s!she was like as if she knew somehow how matters had gone on察and had a spite at her!and she kindled the bed there察but there was nobody sleeping in it察fortunately。 The governess had run away two months before察and for all Mr。 Rochester sought her as if she had been the most precious thing he had in the world察he never could hear a word of her察and he grew savage!quite savage on his disappointment此he never was a wild man察but he got dangerous after he lost her。 He would be alone察too。 He sent Mrs。 Fairfax察the housekeeper察away to her friends at a distance察but he did it handsomely察for he settled an annuity on her for life此and she deserved it!she was a very good woman。 Miss Ad┬le察a ward he had察was put to school。 He broke off acquaintance with all the gentry察and shut himself up like a hermit at the Hall。 ̄
^What did he not leave England拭
^Leave England拭Bless you察no He would not cross the door´stones of the house察except at night察when he walked just like a ghost about the grounds and in the orchard as if he had lost his senses! which it is my opinion he had察for a more spirited察bolder察keener gentleman than he was before that midge of a governess crossed him察you never saw察ma¨am。 He was not a man given to wine察or cards察or racing察as some are察and he was not so very handsome察but he had a courage and a will of his own察if ever man had。 I knew him from a boy察you see此and for my part察I have often wished that Miss Eyre had been sunk in the sea before she came to Thornfield Hall。 ̄
^Then Mr。 Rochester was at home when the fire broke out拭
^Yes察indeed was he察and he went up to the attics when all was burning above and below察and got the servants out of their beds and helped them down himself察and went back to get his mad wife out of her cell。 And then they called out to him that she was on the roof察where she was standing察waving her arms察above the battlements察and shouting out till they could hear her a mile off此I saw her and heard her with my own eyes。 She was a big woman察and had long black hair此we could see it streaming against the flames as she stood。 I witnessed察and several more witnessed察Mr。 Rochester ascend through the sky´light on to the roof察we heard him call `Bertha  We saw him approach her察and then察ma¨am察she yelled and gave a spring察and the next minute she lay smashed on the pavement。 ̄
^Dead Ay察dead as the stones on which her brains and blood were scattered。 ̄
^Good God 
^You may well say so察ma¨am此it was frightful 
He shuddered。
^And afterwards拭院I urged。
^Well察ma¨am察afterwards the house was burnt to the ground此there are only some bits of walls standing now。 ̄
^Were any other lives lost拭
^No!perhaps it would have been better if there had。 ̄
^What do you mean拭
^Poor Mr。 Edward 院he ejaculated察 I little thought ever to have seen it Some say it was a just judgment on him for keeping his first marriage secret察and wanting to take another wife while he had one living此but I pity him察for my part。 ̄
^You said he was alive拭院I exclaimed。
^Yes察yes此he is alive察but many think he had better he dead。 ̄
^Why拭How拭院My blood was again running cold。 ^Where is he拭院I demanded。 ^Is he in England拭
^Ay!ay!he¨s in England察he can¨t get out of England察I fancy!he¨s a fixture now。 ̄
What agony was this And the man seemed resolved to protract it。
^He is stone´blind察院he said at last。 ^Yes察he is stone´blind察is Mr。 Edward。 ̄
I had dreaded worse。 I had dreaded he was mad。 I summoned strength to ask what had caused this calamity。
^It was all his own courage察and a body may say察his kindness察in a way察ma¨am此he wouldn¨t leave the house till every one else was out before him。 As he came down the great staircase at last察after Mrs。 Rochester had flung herself from the battlements察there was a great crash!all fell。 He was taken out from under the ruins察alive察but sadly hurt此a beam had fallen in such a way as to protect him partly察but one eye was knocked out察and one hand so crushed that Mr。 Carter察the surgeon察had to amputate it directly。 The other eye inflamed此he lost the sight of that also。 He is now helpless察indeed!blind and a cripple。 ̄
^Where is he拭Where does he now live拭
^At Ferndean察a manor´house on a farm he has察about thirty miles off此quite a desolate spot。 ̄
^Who is with him拭
^Old John and his wife此he would have none else。 He is quite broken down察they say。 ̄
^Have you any sort of conveyance拭
^We have a chaise察ma¨am察a very handsome chaise。 ̄
^Let it be got ready instantly察and if your post´boy can drive me to Ferndean before dark this day察I¨ll pay both you and him twice the hire you usually demand。 ̄
Chapter 37
The manor´house of Ferndean was a building of considerable antiquity察moderate size察and no architectural pretensions察deep buried in a wood。 I had heard of it before。 Mr。 Rochester often spoke of it察and sometimes went there。 His father had purchased the estate for the sake of the game covers。 He would have let the house察but could find no tenant察in consequence of its ineligible and insalubrious site。 Ferndean then remained uninhabited and unfurnished察with the exception of some two or three rooms fitted up for the acmodation of the squire when he went there in the season to shoot。
To this house I came just ere dark on an evening marked by the characteristics of sad sky察cold gale察and continued small perating rain。 The last mile I performed on foot察having dismissed the chaise and driver with the double remuneration I had promised。 Even when within a very short distance of the manor´ house察you could see nothing of it察so thick and dark grew the timber of the gloomy wood about it。 Iron gates between granite pillars showed me where to enter察and passing through them察I found myself at once in the twilight of close´ranked trees。 There was a grass´grown track descending the forest aisle between hoar and knotty shafts and under branched arches。 I followed it察expecting soon to reach the dwelling察but it stretched on and on察it would far and farther此no sign of habitation or grounds was visible。
I thought I had taken a wrong direction and lost my way。 The darkness of natural as well as of sylvan dusk gathered over me。 I looked round in search of another road。 There was none此all was interwoven stem察columnar trunk察dense summer foliage!no opening anywhere。
I proceeded此at last my way opened察the trees thinned a little察presently I beheld a railing察then the house!scarce察by this dim light察distinguishable from the trees察so dank and green were its decaying walls。 Entering a portal察fastened only by a latch察I stood amidst a space of enclosed ground察from which the wood swept away in a semicircle。 There were no flowers察no garden´beds察only a broad gravel´walk girdling a grass´plat察and this set in the heavy frame of the forest。 The house presented two pointed gables in its front察the windows were latticed and narrow此the front door was narrow too察one step led up to it。 The whole looked察as the host of the Rochester Arms had said察 quite a desolate spot。 ̄ It was as still as a church on a week´day此the pattering rain on the forest leaves was the only sound audible in its vicinage。
^Can there be life here拭院I asked。
Yes察life of some kind there was察for I heard a movement!that narrow front´door was unclosing察and some shape was about to issue from the grange。
It opened slowly此a figure came out into the twilight and stood on the step察a man without a hat此he stretched forth his hand as if to feel whether it rained。 Dusk as it was察I had recognised him!it was my master察Edward Fairfax Rochester察and no other。
I stayed my step察almost my breath察and stood to watch him!to examine him察myself unseen察and alas to him invisible。 It was a sudden meeting察and one in which rapture was kept well in check by pain。 I had no difficulty in restraining my voice from exclamation察my step from hasty advance。
His form was of the same strong and stalwart contour as ever此his port was still erect察his heir was still raven black察nor were his features altered or sunk此not in one year¨s space察by any sorrow察could his athletic strength be quelled or his vigorous prime blighted。 But in his countenance I saw a change此that looked desperate and brooding!that reminded me of some wronged and fettered wild beast or bird察dangerous to approach in his sullen woe。 The caged eagle察whose gold´ringed eyes cruelty has extinguished察might look as looked that sightless Samson。
And察reader察do you think I feared him in his blind ferocity拭if you do察you little know me。 A soft hope blest with my sorrow that soon I should dare to drop a kiss on that brow of rock察and on those lips so sternly sealed beneath it此but not yet。 I would not accost him yet。
He descended the one step察and advanced slowly and gropingly towards the grass´plat。 Where was his daring stride now拭Then he paused察as if he knew not which way to turn。 He lifted his hand and opened his eyelids察gazed blank察and with a straining effort察on the sky察and toward the amphitheatre of trees此one saw that all to him was void darkness。 He stretched his right hand the left arm察the mutilated one察he kept hidden in his bosom察he seemed to wish by touch to gain an idea of what lay around him此he met but vacancy still察for the trees were some yards off where he stood。 He relinquished the endeavour察folded his arms察and stood quiet and mute in the rain察now falling fast on his uncovered head。 At this moment John approached him from some quarter。
^Will you take my arm察sir拭院he said察 there is a heavy shower ing on此had you not better go in拭
^Let me alone察院was the answer。
John withdrew without having observed me。 Mr。 Rochester now tried to walk about此vainly察all was too uncertain。 He groped his way back to the house察and察re´entering it察closed the door。
I now drew near and knocked此John¨s wife opened for me。 ^Mary察院I said察 how are you拭
She started as if she had seen a ghost此I calmed her。 To her hurried ^Is it really you察miss察e at this late hour to this lonely place拭院I answered by taking her hand察and then I followed her into the kitchen察where John now sat by a good fire。 I explained to them察in few words察that I had heard all which had happened since I left Thornfield察and that I was e to see Mr。 Rochester。 I asked John to go down to the turn´pike´house察where I had dismissed the chaise察and bring my trunk察which I had left there此and then察while I removed my bon and shaary as to whether I could be acmodated at the Manor House for the night察and finding that arrangements to that effect察though difficult察would not be impossible察I informed her I should stay。 Just at this moment the parlour´bell rang。
^When you go in察院said I察 tell your master that a person wishes to speak to him察but do not give my name。 ̄
^I don¨t think he will see you察院she answered察 he refuses everybody。 ̄
When she returned察I inquired what he had said。 ^You are to send in your name and your business察院she replied。 She then proceeded to fill a glass with water察and place it on a tray察together with candles。
^Is that what he rang for拭院I asked。
^Yes此he always has candles brought in at dark察though he is blind。 ̄
^Give the tray to me察I will carry it in。 ̄
I took it from her hand此she pointed me out the parlour door。 The tray shook as I held it察the water spilt from the glass察my heart struck my ribs loud and fast。 Mary opened the door for me察and shut it behind me。
This parlour looked gloomy此a neglected handful of fire burnt low in the grate察and察leaning over it察with his head supp

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