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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第31章

小说: 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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nes。 Scorn;bitterness; unprovoked malignity; gratuitous desire of ill; ridiculeof whatever was good and holy; all awoke; to tempt; even while theyfrightened him。 And his encounter with old Mistress Hibbins; if itwere a real incident; did but show his sympathy and fellowship withwicked mortals; and the world of perverted spirits。  He had; by this time; reached his dwelling; on the edge of theburial…ground; and; hastening up the stairs; took refuge in his study。The minister was glad to have reached this shelter; without firstbetraying himself to the world by any of those strange and wickedeccentricities to which he had been continually impelled while passingthrough the streets。 He entered the accustomed room; and looked aroundhim on its books; its windows; its fireplace; and the tapestriedfort of the walls; with the same perception of strangeness that hadhaunted him throughout his walk from the forest…dell into the town;and thitherward。 Here he had studied and written; here; gone throughfast and vigil; and e forth half alive; here striven to pray; here;borne a hundred thousand agonies! There was the Bible; in its rich oldHebrew; with Moses and the Prophets speaking to him; and God's voicethrough all! There; on the table; with the inky pen beside it; wasan unfinished sermon; with a sentence broken in the midst; where histhoughts had ceased to gush out upon the page; two days before。 Heknew that it was himself; the thin and white…cheeked minister; who haddone and suffered these things; and written thus far into the ElectionSermon! But he seemed to stand apart; and eye this former self withscornful; pitying; but half…envious curiosity。 That self was gone。Another man had returned out of the forest; a wiser one; with aknowledge of hidden mysteries which the simplicity of the former nevercould have reached。 A bitter kind of knowledge that!  While occupied with these reflections; a knock came at the door ofthe study; and the minister said; 〃e in!〃… not wholly devoid ofan idea that he might behold an evil spirit。 And so he did! It was oldRoger Chillingworth that entered。 The minister stood; white andspeechless; with one hand on the Hebrew Scriptures; and the otherspread upon his breast。  〃Wele home; reverend sir;〃 said the physician。 〃And how found youthat godly man; the Apostle Eliot? But methinks; dear sir; you lookpale; as if the travel through the wilderness had been too sore foryou。 Will not my aid be requisite to put you in heart and strengthto preach your Election Sermon?〃  〃Nay; I think not so;〃 rejoined the Reverend Mr。 Dimmesdale。 〃Myjourney; and the sight of the holy Apostle yonder; and the free airwhich I have breathed; have done me good; after so long confinement inmy study。 I think to need no more of your drugs; my kind physician;good though they be; and administered by a friendly hand。〃  All this time; Roger Chillingworth was looking at the ministerwith the grave and intent regard of a physician towards his patient。But; in spite of his outward show; the latter was almost convincedof the old man's knowledge; or; at least; his confident suspicion;with respect to his own interview with Hester Prynne。 The physicianknew then; that; in the minister's regard; he was no longer atrusted friend; but his bitterest enemy。 So much being known; it wouldappear natural that a part of it should be expressed。 It issingular; however; how long a time often passes before words embodythings; and with what security two persons; who choose to avoid acertain subject; may approach its very verge; and retire withoutdisturbing it。 Thus; the minister felt no apprehension that RogerChillingworth would touch; in express words; upon the real positionwhich they sustained towards one another。 Yet did the physician; inhis dark way; creep frightfully near the secret。  〃Were it not better;〃 said he; 〃that you use my poor skill to…night?Verily; dear sir; we must take pains to make you strong and vigorousfor this occasion of the Election discourse。 The people look for greatthings from you; apprehending that another year may e about; andfind their pastor gone。〃  〃Yea; to another world;〃 replied the minister; with piousresignation。 〃Heaven grant it be a better one; for; in good sooth; Ihardly think to tarry with my flock through the flitting seasons ofanother year! But; touching your medicine; kind sir; in my presentframe of body; I need it not。〃  〃I joy to hear it;〃 answered the physician。 〃It may be that myremedies; so long administered in vain; begin now to take dueeffect。 Happy man were I; and well deserving of New England'sgratitude; could I achieve this cure!〃  〃I thank you from my heart; most watchful friend;〃 said the ReverendMr。 Dimmesdale; with a solemn smile。 〃I thank you; and can but requiteyour good deeds with my prayers。〃  〃A good man's prayers are golden repense!〃 rejoined old RogerChillingworth; as he took his leave。 〃Yea; they are the current goldcoin of the New Jerusalem; with the King's own mint; mark on them!〃  Left alone; the minister summoned a servant of the house; andrequested food; which; being set before him; he ate with ravenousappetite。 Then; flinging the already written pages of the ElectionSermon into the fire; he forthwith began another; which he wrotewith such an impulsive flow of thought and emotion; that he fanciedhimself inspired; and only wondered that Heaven should see fit totransmit the grand and solemn music of its oracles through so foulan organ…pipe as he。 However; leaving that mystery to solve itself; orgo unsolved for ever; he drove his task onward; with earnest haste andecstasy。 Thus the night fled away; as if it were winged steed; andhe careering on it; morning came; and peeped; blushing; through thecurtains; and at last sunrise threw a golden beam into the study andlaid it right across the minister's bedazzled eyes。 There he was; withthe pen still between his fingers; and a vast immeasurable tract ofwritten space behind him!                             XXI。                   THE NEW ENGLAND HOLIDAY。  BETIMES in the morning of the day on which the new Governor was toreceive his office at the hands of the people; Hester Prynne andlittle Pearl came into the market…place。 It was already throngedwith the craftsmen and other plebeian inhabitants of the town; inconsiderable numbers; among whom; likewise; were many rough figures;whose attire of deer…skins marked them as belonging to some of theforest settlements; which surrounded the little metropolis of thecolony。  On this public holiday; as on all other occasions; for seven yearspast; Hester was clad in a garment of coarse grey cloth。 Not more byits hue than by some indescribable peculiarity in its fashion; ithad the effect of making her fade personally out of sight and outline;while; again; the scarlet letter brought her back from this twilightindistinctness; and revealed her under the moral aspect of its ownillumination。 Her face; so long familiar to the townspeople; showedthe marble quietude which they were accustomed to behold there。 It waslike a mask; or; rather; like the frozen calmness of a dead woman'sfeatures; owing this dreary resemblance to the fact that Hester wasactually dead; in respect to any claim of sympathy; and had departedout of the world with which she still seemed to mingle。  It might be; on this one day; that there was an expression unseenbefore; nor; indeed; vivid enough to be detected now; unless somepreternaturally gifted observer should have first read the heart;and have afterwards sought a corresponding development in thecountenance and mien。 Such a spiritual seer might have conceived;that; after sustaining the gaze of the multitude through sevenmiserable years as a necessity; a penance; and something which itwas a stern religion to endure; she now; for one last time more;encountered it freely and voluntarily; in order to convert what had solong been agony into a kind of triumph。 〃Look your last on the scarletletter and its wearer!〃… the people's victim and life…long bond…slave;as they fancied her; might say to them。 〃Yet a little while; and shewill be beyond your reach! A few hours longer; and the deep;mysterious ocean will quench and hide for ever the symbol which yehave caused to burn upon her bosom!〃 Nor were it an inconsistencytoo improbable to be assigned to human nature; should we suppose afeeling of regret in Hester's mind; at the moment when she was aboutto win her freedom from the pain which had been thus deeplyincorporated with her being。 Might there not be an irresistible desireto quaff a last; long; breathless draught of the cup of wormwood andaloes; with which nearly all her years of womanhood had beenperpetually flavoured? The wine of life; henceforth to be presented toher lips; must be indeed rich; delicious; and exhilarating; in itschased and golden beaker; or else leave an inevitable and wearylanguor; after the lees of bitterness wherewith she had beendrugged; as with a cordial of intensest potency。  Pearl was decked out with airy gaiety。 It would have been impossibleto guess that this bright and sunny apparition owed its existence tothe shape of gloomy grey; or that a fancy; at once so gorgeous andso delicate as must have been requisite to contrive the child'sapparel; was the same that had achieved a task perhaps more difficult;in imparting so distinct a peculiarity to Hester's simple robe。 Thedress; so proper was it to little Pearl; seemed an effluence; orinevitable development and outward manifestation of her character;no more to be separated from her than the many…hued brilliancy froma butterfly's wing; or the painted glory from the leaf of a brightflower。 As with these; so with the child; her garb was all of one ideawith her nature。 On this eventful day; moreover; there was a certainsingular inquietude and excitement in her mood; resembling nothingso much as the shimmer of a diamond; that sparkles and flashes withthe varied throbbings of the breast on which it is displayed。 Childrenhave always a sympathy in the agitations of those connected with them;always; especially; a sense of any trouble or impending revolution; ofwhatever kind; in domestic circumstances; and therefore Pearl; who wasthe gem on her mother's unquiet bosom; betrayed; by the very danceof her spirits; the emotions which none could detect in the marblepassiveness of Hester's brow。  This effervescence made her flit with a birdlike movement; ratherthan walk by her mother's side。 She broke continually into shouts of awild; inarticulate; and sometimes piercing music。 When they reachedthe market…place; she became still more restless; on perceiving thestir and bustle that enlivened the spot; for it was usually morelike the broad and lonesome green before a village meetinghouse;than the centre of a town's business。  〃Why; what is this; mother?〃 cried she。 〃Wherefore have all thepeople left their work to…day? Is it a play…day for the whole world?See; there is the blacksmith! He has washed his sooty face; and put onhis Sabbath…day clothes; and looks as if he would gladly be merry;if any kind body would only teach him how! And there is MasterBrackett; the old jailer; nodding and smiling at me。 Why does he doso; mother?〃  〃He remembers thee a little babe; my child;〃 answered Hester。  〃He should not nod and smile at me for all that… the black; grim;ugly…eyed old man!〃 said Pearl。 〃He may nod at thee; if he will; forthou art clad in grey; and wearest the scarlet letter。 But see;mother; how many faces of strange people; and Indians among them;and sailors! What have they all e to do; here in the market…place?〃  〃They wait to see the procession pass;〃 said Hester。 〃For theGovernor and the magistrates are to go by; and the ministers; andall the great people and good people; with the music and thesoldiers marching before them。〃  〃And will the minister be there?〃 asked Pearl。 〃And will he hold outboth his hands to me; as when thou ledst me to him from thebrook…side?〃  〃He will be there; child;〃 answered her mother。 〃But he will notgreet thee to…day; nor must thou greet him。〃  〃What a strange; sad man is he!〃 said the child; as if speakingpartly to herself。 〃In the dark night…time he calls us to him; andholds thy hand and mine; as when we stood with him on the scaffoldyonder! And in the deep forest; where only the old trees can hear; andthe strip of sky see it; he talks with thee; sitting on a heap ofmoss! And he kisses my forehead; too; so that the little brook wouldhardly wash it off! But here; in the sunny day; and among all thepeople; he knows us not; nor must we know him! A strange; sad man ishe; with his hand always over his heart!〃  〃Be quiet; Pearl! Thou understandest not these things;〃 said hermother。 〃Think not now of the minister; but look about thee; and seehow cheery is everybody's face to…day。 The children have e fromtheir schools; and the grown people from their workshops and theirfields; on purpose to be happy。 For; to…day; a new man is beginning torule over them; and so… as has been the custom of mankind ever since anation was first gathered… they make merry and rejoice; as if a goodand golden year were at length to pass over the poor old world!〃  It was as Hester said; in regard to the unwonted jollity thatbrightened the faces of the people。 Into this festal season of theyear… as it already was; and continued to be during the greater partof two centuries… the Puritans pressed whatever m

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