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红字-the scarlet letter(英文版)-第4章

小说: 红字-the scarlet letter(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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n old soldiermight be supposed to prize only the bloody laurel on his brow; buthere was one; who seemed to have a young girl's appreciation of thefloral tribe。  There; beside the fireplace; the brave old General used to sit;while the Surveyor… though seldom; when it could be avoided; takingupon himself the difficult task of engaging him in conversation… wasfond of standing at a distance; and berous countenance。 He seemed away from us; although we saw himbut a few yards off; remote; though we passed close beside hischair; unattainable; though we might have stretched forth our handsand touched his own。 It might be that he lived a more real life withinhis thoughts; than amid the unappropriate environment of theCollector's office。 The evolutions of the parade; the tumult of thebattle; the flourish of old; heroic music; heard thirty years before;…such scenes and sounds; perhaps; were all alive before hisintellectual sense。 Meanwhile; the merchants and shipmasters; thespruce clerks and uncouth sailors; entered and departed; the bustle ofthis mercial and Custom…House life kept up its little murmurround about him; and neither with the men nor their affairs did theGeneral appear to sustain the most distant relation。 He was as muchout of place as an old sword… now rusty; but which had flashed once inthe battle's front; and showed still a bright gleam along its blade…would have been; among the inkstands; paper…folders; and mahoganyrulers; on the Deputy Collector's desk。  There was one thing that much aided me in renewing and recreatingthe stalwart soldier of the Niagara frontier… the man of true andsimple energy。 It was the recollection of those memorable words ofhis… 〃I'll try; sir!〃… spoken on the very verge of a desperate andheroic enterprise; and breathing the soul and spirit of New Englandhardihood; prehending all perils; and encountering all。 If; inour country; valour were rewarded by heraldic honour; this phrase…which it seems so easy to speak; but which only he; with such a taskof danger and glory before him; has ever spoken… would be the best andfittest of all mottoes for the General's shield of arms。  It contributes greatly towards a man's moral and intellectualhealth; to be brought into habits of panionship with individualsunlike himself; who care little for his pursuits; and whose sphere andabilities he must go out of himself to appreciate。 The accidents of mylife have often afforded me this advantage; but never with morefulness and variety than during my continuance in office。 There wasone man; especially; the observation of whose character gave me anew idea of talent。 His gifts were emphatically those of a man ofbusiness; prompt; acute; clear…minded; with an eye that saw throughall perplexities; and a faculty of arrangement that made themvanish; as by the waving of an enchanter's wand。 Bred up fromboyhood in the Custom…House; it was his proper field of activity;and the many intricacies of business; so harassing to theinterloper; presented themselves before him with the regularity of aperfectly prehended system。 In my contemplation; be stood as theideal of his class。 He was; indeed; the Custom…House in himself; or;at all events; the mainspring that kept its variously revolving wheelsin motion; for; in an institution like this; where its officers areappointed to subserve their own profit and convenience; and seldomwith a leading reference to their fitness for the duty to beperformed; they must perforce seek elsewhere the dexterity which isnot in them。 Thus; by an inevitable necessity; as a mag attractssteel…filings; so did our man of business draw to himself thedifficulties which everybody met with。 With an easy condescension; andkind forbearance towards our stupidity… which; to his order of mind;must have seemed little short of crime… would he forthwith; by themerest touch of his finger; make the inprehensible as clear asdaylight。 The merchants valued him not less than we; his esotericfriends。 His integrity was perfect; it was a law of nature with him;rather than a choice or a principle; nor can it be otherwise thanthe main condition of an intellect so remarkably clear and accurate ashis; to be honest and regular in the administration of affairs。 Astain on his conscience; as to anything that came within the rangeof his vocation; would trouble such a man very much in the same way;though to a far greater degree; than an error in the balance of anaccount; or an ink…blot on the fair page of a book of record。 Here; ina word… and it is a rare instance in my life… I had met with aperson thoroughly adapted to the situation which he held。  Such were some of the people with whom I now found myself connected。I took it in good part; at the hands of Providence; that I wasthrown into a position so little akin to my past habits; and setmyself seriously to gather from it whatever profit was to be had。After my fellowship of toil and impracticable schemes with thedreamy brethren of Brook Farm; after living for three years within thesubtile influence of an intellect like Emerson's; after those wild;free days on the Assabeth; indulging fantastic speculations; besideour fire of fallen boughs; with Ellery Channing; after talking withThoreau about pine…trees and Indian relics; in his hermitage atWalden; after growing fastidious by sympathy with the classicrefinement of Hillard's culture; after being imbued with poeticsentiment at Longfellow's hearth…stone… it was time; at length; that Ishould exercise other faculties of my nature; and nourish myselfwith food for which I had hitherto had little appetite。 Even the oldInspector was desirable; as a change of diet; to a man who had knownAlcott。 I looked upon it as an evidence; in some measure; or asystem naturally well balanced; and lacking no essential part of athorough organisation; that; with such associates to remember; I couldmingle at once with men of altogether different qualities; and nevermurmur at the change。  Literature; its exertions and objects; were now of little momentin my regard。 I cared not; at this period; for books; they wereapart from me。 Nature… except it were human nature… the nature that isdeveloped in earth and sky; was; in one sense; hidden from me; and allthe imaginative delight; wherewith it had been spiritualised; passedaway out of my mind。 A gift; a faculty; if it had not departed; wassuspended and inanimate within me。 There would have been somethingsad; unutterably dreary; in all this; had I not been conscious that itlay at my own option to recall whatever was valuable in the past。 Itmight be true; indeed; that this was a life which could not; withimpunity; be lived too long; else; it might make me permanentlyother than I had been; without transforming me into any shape which itwould be worth my while to take。 But I never considered it as otherthan a transitory life。 There was always a prophetic instinct; a lowwhisper in my ear; that; within no long period; and whenever a newchange of custom should be essential to my good; a change would e。  Meanwhile; there I was; a Surveyor of the Revenue; and; so far asI have been able to understand; as good a Surveyor as need be。 A manof thought; fancy; and sensibility (had he ten times the Surveyor'sproportion of those qualities) may; at any time; be a man ofaffairs; if he will only choose to give himself the trouble。 Myfellow…officers; and the merchants and sea…captains with whom myofficial duties brought me into any manner of connection; viewed me inno other light; and probably knew me in no other character。 None ofthem; I presume; had ever read a page of my inditing; or would havecared a fig the more for me; if they had read them all; nor would ithave mended the matter; in the least; had those same unprofitablepages been written with a pen like that of Burns or of Chaucer; eachof whom was a Custom…House officer in his day; as well as I。 It is agood lesson… though it may often be a hard one… for a man who hasdreamed of literary fame; and of making for himself a rank among theworld's dignitaries by such means; to step aside out of the narrowcircle in which his claims are recognised; and to find how utterlydevoid of significance; beyond that circle; is all that he achieves;and all he aims at。 I know not that I especially needed the lesson;either in the way of warning or rebuke; but; at any rate; I learned itthoroughly: nor; it gives me pleasure to reflect; did the truth; as itcame home to my perception; ever cost me a pang; or require to bethrown off in a sigh。 In the way of literary talk; it is true; theNaval Officer… an excellent fellow; who came into office with me andwent out only a little later… would often engage me in a discussionabout one or the other of his favourite topics; Napoleon orShakespeare。 The Collector's junior clerk; too… a young gentleman who;it was whispered; occasionally covered a sheet of Uncle Sam'sletter…paper with what (at the distance of a few yards) looked verymuch like poetry… used now and then to speak to me of books; asmatters with which I might possibly be conversant。 This was my allof lettered intercourse; and it ynecessities。  No longer seeking nor caring that my name should be blazonedabroad on title…pages; I smiled to think that it had now anotherkind of vogue。 The Custom…House marker imprinted it; with a stenciland black paint; on pepper…bags; and baskets of anatto; andcigar…boxes; and bales of all kinds of dutiable merchandise; intestimony that these modities had paid the impost; and goneregularly through the office。 Borne on such queer vehicle of fame; aknowledge of my existence; so far as a name conveys it; was carriedwhere it had never been before; and; I hope; will never go again。  But the past was not dead。 Once in a great while; the thoughts; thathad seemed so vital and so active; yet had been put to rest soquietly; revived again。 One of the most remarkable occasions; when thehabit of bygone days awoke in me; was that which brings it withinthe law of literary propriety to offer the public the sketch which Iam now writing。  In the second story of the Custom…House; there is a large room; inwhich the brick…work and naked rafters have never been covered withpanelling and plaster。 The edifice… originally projected on a scaleadapted to the old mercial enterprise of the port; and with an ideaof subsequent prosperity destined never to be realised… contains farmore space than its occupants know what to do with。 This airy hall;therefore; over the Collector's apartments; remains unfinished to thisday; and; in spite of the aged cobwebs that festoon its dusky beams;appears still to await the labour of the carpenter and mason。 At oneend of the room; in a recess; were a number of barrels; piled one uponanother; containing bundles of official documents。 Large quantities ofsimilar rubbish lay lumbering the floor。 It was sorrowful to think howmany days; and weeks; and months; and years of toil; had been wastedon these musty papers; which were now only an encumbrance on earth;and were hidden away in this forgotten corner; never more to beglanced at by human eyes。 But; then; what reams of othermanuscripts… filled not with the dulness of official formalities;but with the thought of inventive brains and the rich effusion of deephearts… had gone equally to oblivion; and that; moreover; withoutserving a purpose in their day; as these heaped…up papers had; and…saddest of all… without purchasing for their writers the fortablelivelihood which the clerks of the Custom…House had gained by theseworthless scratchings of the pen! Yet not altogether worthless;perhaps; as materials of local history。 Here; no doubt; statisticsof the former merce of Salem might be discovered; and memorialsof her princely merchants… old King Derby; old Billy Gray; old SimonForrester; and many another magnate in his day… whose powdered head;however; was scarcely in the tomb; before his mountain…pile ofwealth began to dwindle。 The founders of the greater part of thefamilies which now pose the aristocracy of Salem might here betraced; from the petty and obscure beginnings of their traffic; atperiods generally much posterior to the Revolution; upward to whattheir children look upon as long…established rank。  Prior to the Revolution; there is a dearth of records; the earlierdocuments and archives of the Custom…House having; probably; beencarried off to Halifax; when all the King's officials acpaniedthe British army in its flight from Boston。 It has often been a matterof regret with me; for; going back; perhaps; to the days of theProtectorate; those papers must have contained many references toforgotten or remembered men; and to antique customs; which wouldhave affected me with the same pleasure as when I used to pick upIndian arrow…heads in the field near the Old Manse。  But; one idle and rainy day; it was my fortune to make a discoveryof some little interest。 Poking and burrowing into the heaped…uprubbish in the corner; unfolding one and another document; and readingthe names of vessels that had long ago foundered at sea or rotted atthe wharves; and those of merchants; never heard of now on 'Change;nor very readily decipherable on their mossy tombstones; glancing atsuch matters with the saddened; weary; half…reluctant interest whichwe bestow on the corpse of dead activity… and exerting my fancy;sluggish with little use; to raise up from these dry bones an image ofthe old to

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